Aquinas College

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Eradicate the remaining areas of underperformance and improve students’ results more rapidly through ensuring that all teachers use data available to help plan lessons that include activities that provide stretch and challenge, especially for the most-able students.
  • Strengthen still further the rigour of arrangements to assure the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Set clear and precise actions for improvement for individual teachers following lesson observations. Evaluate more fully the impact of staff training and use this to inform selfassessment.
  • Revise and implement the policy for developing students’ intermediate-level English and/or mathematical skills. Ensure that teachers incorporate the development of written English and/or mathematical skills in lessons.
  • Conduct more detailed analysis of the performance of different groups of students and use this to inform strategies for improvement at all levels.
  • Analyse and use data more systematically at curriculum level to set precise and measurable targets for improvement within agreed timescales.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • low success rates on a minority of courses
  • insufficient rigour in teaching and learning observations
  • slow pace of improvement in a minority of underperforming areas
  • aspects of self-assessment.

2003 Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • some inadequate accommodation
  • key skills achievement.