Askham Bryan College

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Askham Bryan College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the retention of adult students on advanced-level courses, particularly in floristry and animal management by ensuring that they fully understand the commitments required and by monitoring their progress very closely to enable prompt support to be put in place to help them stay on their course. 
  • Improve the quality of the provision at the newly acquired Newton Rigg campus by embedding the quality assurance processes and developing the curriculum further to ensure that it meets local area needs and is cost-effective.
  • Improve the teaching and learning in theory sessions through the identification and sharing of good practice, better use of ILT and the VLE, and the planning of lessons to ensure that learning is consolidated, and that all learners are fully engaged and challenged to achieve their full potential.
  • Build on the existing initial assessment practices to ensure that the needs of students with low levels of literacy and numeracy are clearly understood and to inform detailed measurable development targets. Prepare students fully for external tests to improve the success rates on functional skills.
  • Implement the online monitoring system across all sites to ensure that all learners are given specific short-term targets that can be monitored closely so that all students are motivated and challenged to achieve their goals.
  • Provide additional and appropriate training to support governors and middle managers in carrying out their duties in order to embed quality assurance procedures further and to ensure that prompt action is taken to improve students’ outcomes, reduce any inconsistencies across the different sites and meet the college’s vision to be outstanding.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • weak financial management
  • ineffective governance
  • low success rates on key skills courses
  • insufficient challenge for more able students
  • the effectiveness of lesson observations in improving provision
  • underdeveloped target setting and use of individual learning plans.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement
  • low rates of framework achievement for advanced apprentices
  • the slow progress of current learners
  • poor planning of individual learning
  • insufficiently focussed reviews
  • inadequate performance monitoring
  • ineffective arrangements to manage staff absence

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • low retention rates at level 2
  • poor management of work-based learning
  • ineffective use of initial assessment for many students
  • too little good or better teaching
  • insufficiently rigorous self-assessment
  • slow implementation of the `Skills For Life' strategy
  • ineffective use of data and target setting.

1999 Full Inspection Report
