Bromley Adult Education College

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the small amount of teaching, learning and assessment that is not of a high standard, by ensuring that teachers use a sufficient range of assessment strategies to assess learners’ understanding and their progress over time accurately.
  • Ensure that leaders and managers collect and analyse a wider range of information and data, such as learners’ next steps on completion of their programmes, the reasons for the low participation of male learners and the impact of programmes on those that LBB specifically seeks to help.
  • Use this information to further strengthen the positive impact BAEC has on the adult learners of Bromley, in particular to:
    • understand how learners’ current programme choices influence the programmes they choose in future
    • understand fully the impact of careers advice and guidance on the lives of adult users
    • inform the planning of the curriculum to continue to make best use of available funding.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers must ensure that they devote more of their time to the consistent application of comprehensive and rigorous arrangements to judge the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, and improve it.
  • Increase the proportion of learners achieving ESOL qualifications by sharing the existing good teaching practices that are effective on other courses.
  • Provide tutors with suitable training in a range of strategies and methods that they can use to assess accurately learners’ progress and development.
  • Ensure that tutors take a more consistent approach to setting and reviewing goals and targets that reflect learners’ career aims and personal development objectives, as well as the activities needed to complete their courses.
  • Make better use of data and management information to identify trends over time as well as areas of good practice and areas for improvement in:
    • learners’ attendance and punctuality
    • the progression of learners to sustained positive destinations.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Review and redefine the interrelationships between the senior management team, governors and elected members to ensure clearer lines of accountability, prompt decision making, and better strategic and financial endorsement and management.
  • Plan the curriculum to ensure it better addresses the needs of those learners wishing to develop their English and/or mathematics skills, the more disadvantaged members of the community and those seeking to develop their employability skills.
  • Provide suitable training and briefing to all staff on how to negotiate and set suitable individual targets with learners, how to check learners' understanding and how to provide clear improvement strategies to learners to enable them to make the best progress.
  • Focus closely on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in English and mathematics; support and develop staff in these areas to raise the quality of provision, thereby improving outcomes for learners.
  • Strengthen the quality and consistency of information, advice and guidance that staff provide to learners on progression opportunities to further study or to employment.
  • Review quality assurance and improvement procedures to ensure suitable rigour of judgements and greater clarity of action plans.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does the London Borough of Bromley need to do to improve further?
  • Improve success rates for literacy and numeracy by ensuring that learners complete their courses and assessments.
  • Reduce the amount of teaching that is no better than satisfactory by clearly identifying areas for improvement through observation. Plan the actions needed to remedy these and ensure rigorous monitoring and follow up.
  • Continue to implement the well-conceived ILT training strategy to improve teaching and learning further.
  • Improve the promotion of equality and diversity by the further implementation of the single equality scheme.

2005 Full Inspection Report
Key Challenges for Bromley LEA
  • continue to develop and introduce quality improvement processes
  • more effective use of data to help develop planning
  • raise awareness of equality of opportunity and cultural diversity with staff and learners
  • strengthen initial assessment procedures • improve assessment practice and records
  • further develop the recording of learners’ achievements and progress