Brooke House Sixth Form College

2021 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and tutors should ensure that students’ attendance and punctuality improve so that all students make better progress.
  • Senior leaders should ensure that they continue to make progress in their training of staff to ensure that improvements in how teachers plan and assess the curriculum are embedded in all subjects.

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Governors need to ensure that leaders and managers rapidly meet the full requirements of the 16 to 19 study programme by ensuring that they:
    • establish a coherent strategy to improve and extend students’ mathematical knowledge and skills
    • establish comprehensive and impartial careers information, advice and guidance that prepare students fully for employment and their next steps, particularly for those students who choose not to go to university and/or do not continue into their second year of study.
  • Increase the proportion of students on programmes at level 3, in particular those studying subjects in health and social care, business, and ICT, who achieve high-grade passes by ensuring that teachers:
    • set suitably demanding tasks and learning activities for the most able students
    • monitor closely the impact of their interventions for students who fall behind in learning and take rapid action should these students continue to make slow progress
    • allow students to develop and practise their mathematical knowledge and skills within their vocational subject lessons and provide appropriate help when students are unable to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills effectively.
  • Improve students’ attendance and punctuality in lessons.
  • Governors and leaders need to ensure that staff improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by ensuring that:
    • managers help staff to put into practice the recent training they have received to provide consistently high-quality teaching, learning and assessment
    • managers and staff use consistently the quality-assurance processes in place that sustain highly effective learning.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Increase the proportion of students on vocational and academic study programmes who achieve or exceed their target grades, and enable more students to achieve functional skills qualifications and GCSE grades A*–C in English and mathematics by ensuring that teachers:
    • use their knowledge of students’ prior attainment to ensure that activities in lessons are suitably challenging for all students
    • check more carefully what students have learned in lessons and, based on their progress, set them precise guidance on what they need to do to improve
    • provide consistently high-quality feedback to students following assessments so they know what they need to do to achieve higher grades.
  • Implement fully all aspects of study programmes by providing improved guidance about employment to students who do not continue in education and ensuring that they are better prepared for work by increasing the number who have external work placements and/or participation in work-related activities.
  • Continue to improve teaching, learning and assessment and the progress students make by ensuring that managers make consistently good use of their quality improvement processes.
  • Maintain a relentless focus on improving students’ attendance on those courses where it is low.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that lesson activities are always planned at the right level of difficulty to challenge students of all abilities, and give students more opportunities to develop their mathematical skills.
  • Develop the college’s virtual learning environment (VLE) to a consistently high standard so that all students are able to work independently through this medium to improve their work.
  • Ensure that all teachers insist on students completing an appropriately large amount of work beyond lessons.
  • Ensure that teachers capitalise on, and celebrate, the excellent opportunities provided by the college’s distinctive multicultural character when promoting equality and diversity within lessons.
  • Sharpen the systems for monitoring and improving the quality of teaching, including the use of targets set for teachers’ performance, so that teachers in all subject areas make a strong contribution to improving outcomes for students, including their attendance and punctuality.

2009 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • retention and attendance
  • recruitment
  • progress on AS level courses
  • the proportion of good and better teaching
  • exposure to the world of work.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement
  • low success rates on all AS level courses and first diploma in business
  • poor attendance and punctuality on many courses
  • underdeveloped course review procedures

2005 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • attendance and punctuality
  • the quality of teaching on many vocational courses at all levels
  • the implementation of cross-college procedures in teaching, learning and assessment
  • achievement on courses at levels 1 and 2 in vocational areas
  • retention rates on level 1 courses
  • additional support to meet the language and literacy needs of all students
  • success rates for GCSE English and mathematics courses
  • success rates in key skills
  • staff and students' information and learning technology (ILT) skills.