Buckinghamshire Adult Learning

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that self-assessment reports and observation of teaching, learning and assessment records are much less descriptive and much more judgemental about the impact of teaching, learning and assessment on learners.
  • Use detailed initial assessments to plan and set targets effectively and monitor progress for all learners. Ensure that all learners can pursue their own interests within subjects and achieve levels of knowledge and/or skills that are over and above course aims.
  • Develop effective methods to measure accurately the impact of learning on learners’ destinations and progress; evaluate more fully the extent and usefulness of learners’ development of personal, social and employment skills so that managers can make clear judgements about the effectiveness of the service and plan to make further improvements.
  • Ensure that all learners are made fully aware of courses available with other providers so that they may continue their studies after progressing through levels of learning at BCCAL. Improve the availability of careers advice and guidance so that all learners can benefit from timely access and impartial advice.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Low number of learners in receipt of additional learning support
  • Insufficient thoroughness of the observation of teaching and learning scheme
  • Service-wide application of systems to recognise and record learners’ progress and achievement
  • Use of data to manage and improve provision

2006 Re-Inspection Report
