City College Plymouth

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Develop a more rigorous approach to observing lessons and sharing best practice so that the proportion of outstanding lessons increases.
  • Secure consistently rigorous standards in lesson observations, performance management and self-assessment through strengthening moderation and validation processes and sharing best practice.
  • Develop challenging targets for the minority of under-performing courses and share good practice from courses where improvements in learners’ progress have been made to ensure all learners make the expected progress.
  • Use the outcomes from initial assessment to inform lesson planning so that all learners meet or exceed their potential.
  • Better plan the deployment of learning support assistants in lessons so that all learners derive the maximum benefit from the support.  Provide sufficient opportunities for all learners to develop their English and mathematical skills to a higher level.
  • Provide governors with more detailed reporting and the training support needed to enable them to monitor learners’ outcomes and the quality of teaching and learning more rigorously.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does City College Plymouth need to do to improve further?
  • Support and promote the progress and outcomes for learners through rigorous monitoring of specific and measurable targets.
  • Ensure that all teaching and learning challenges learners appropriately and promotes good or better progress.
  • Make sure learners joining AS-level courses are prepared fully for the difference in the standard of work between GSCE and AS level by providing appropriate additional support, such as the bridging courses implemented recently.
  • Establish rigorous procedures that ensure timely and regular liaison and reporting take place between tutors and subject teachers on the progress of learners.
  • Ensure that assessment includes helpful and specific comments in order to support learners’ progress more effectively.
  • Ensure self-assessment judgements are fully self-critical, so that learners’ outcomes and the quality of provision are judged accurately.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • success rates, particularly at level 3, for learners aged 16 to 18
  • the rigour of target-setting in individual learning plans
  • the consistency of the quality of key skills provision
  • the significant proportion of lessons that remain no better than satisfactory
  • lesson planning to meet learners’ individual needs more fully
  • the quality of provision in science and mathematics
  • the effectiveness of quality improvement at curriculum level
  • the sharing of existing good practice across the college.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement
  • Low A-C grade success rates on GCSE Mathematics
  • Very low success rates on most AS science courses  Low retention rates on many courses
  • Poor achievement relative to students’ prior attainment on A and AS courses
  • Ineffective teaching in some science lessons
  • Weak target setting
  • Insufficient written feedback to help the learners progress
  • Low retention rates on level 2 hairdressing
  • Low pass rates on level 1 hairdressing

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • teaching and learning
  • retention and pass rates on many courses
  • provision in science and mathematics, construction and hairdressing and beauty therapy
  • self-assessment and quality assurance
  • the rate of modern apprenticeship achievement
  • management response to identified weaknesses.

2001 Full Inspection Report
