College of North West London

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and governors should ensure that learners across all programmes and provision types receive consistently high-quality teaching.
  • Leaders must ensure that learners with high needs and those on supported internship programmes have access to suitable teaching and appropriate assistive technologies and therapies to meet their individual needs.
  • Leaders should ensure they have robust processes in place to track and respond to learners’ progress so that they can achieve on time.
  • Leaders should ensure that staff set and maintain clear and high expectations of learners’ attendance and punctuality.
  • Leaders should ensure that apprentices have access to a curriculum beyond their qualifications so they can develop their interests and talents more broadly.

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders should train middle managers so that they know how to improve their curriculum areas. Leaders should ensure that middle managers know the strengths and weaknesses of their curriculum area and how to improve it.
  • Teachers on education programmes for young people should ensure that learners gain new knowledge and can recall and apply that knowledge. They need to plan and teach a curriculum for learners that is challenging, so learners achieve the outcomes they expect to.
  • Assessors and teachers need to improve how they develop learners’ and apprentices’ English and mathematics skills. They must ensure that staff enrol learners onto the right level course. Managers need to ensure that apprentices achieve their English and mathematics qualifications.
  • Leaders and teachers must take action to improve learners’ attendance. Tutors should ensure that learners do not arrive late for learning sessions and disrupt the learning of others.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to focus on the quality of teaching, the assessment of learning and tracking of progress to secure further improvements in students’ achievements. 
  • Increase the proportion of outstanding lessons by training and supporting more teachers to provide better pace and more suitable challenge to students, and to plan learning activities that are more imaginative and creative.
  • Fully implement the existing English and mathematics policy to ensure consistently good practice in all curriculum areas.
  • Target appropriate resources more imaginatively to improve those curriculum areas where the student experience is weaker, for example in mathematics, science and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).
  • Develop the rigour and impact of the teachers’ performance review process by drawing on a wider range of relevant evidence, recording more thorough evaluations of key competencies and agreeing objectives that are more challenging.
  • Establish and implement a rigorous and effective policy to govern the deployment of teachers pending their criminal record clearance.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does City of Westminster College need to do to improve further?
  • Refine and promote the use of quantifiable targets as part of student progress reviews. Ensure that staff have been trained to set targets which focus on the individual elements of a qualification.
  • Develop, in collaboration with employers, a college-wide approach to increase access to apprenticeship provision. Develop further foundation level provision for learners aged 16 to 18.
  • Fully implement and review the recently introduced process of closely monitoring learner performance to drive up success rates.
  • Revise the lesson observation scheme to focus explicitly on how teaching has an impact on what students learn. Support teachers to develop stimulating and challenging lessons to secure consistently good teaching across the college, so that all students are able to achieve to their full potential.
  • Take a much more proactive and systematic approach to the promotion of equality and diversity across all aspects of the college’s work.
  • Take action to ensure that inconsistencies across the college are minimised, in terms of attendance and punctuality, quality of teaching, support and resources, by identifying and sharing existing best practice, so that all students benefit from consistently high quality provision.
  • Use data and management information much more effectively to inform management and drive improvement.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • pace of progress
  • quality assurance arrangements
  • standards of teaching and learning
  • target setting and monitoring for individual learners
  • provision and monitoring of additional learning support
  • level 1 success rates for learners aged 16-18
  • attendance and punctuality
  • teaching accommodation in some curriculum areas
  • sharing of good practice.

2004 Re-Inspection Report


2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • low pass rates on courses for students aged 16 to 18 at levels 2 and 3
  • large proportion of unsatisfactory teaching on courses for 16-18 year olds
  • failure of quality assurance procedures to drive up standards for 16-18 year olds
  • poor management of work-based training
  • poor co-ordination of some activities across the college
  • poor attendance and punctuality amongst students
  • some poor tutorials
  • delays in students receiving learning and language support
  • access for students with mobility difficulties.