Confetti Institute

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to raise success rates by identifying precisely why the comparatively small proportion of male students, adults and those students with specific learning difficulties and/or disabilities are performing less well than the majority of students and design strategies to narrow the performance gap of these different groups of students.
  • Continue to improve teaching, learning and assessment by ensuring that all staff challenge students in practical activities and lecturers devise methods that will fully stretch and challenge the most able students.
  • Extend the current good practice of target setting, recording and reporting on assessed theory work to include all practical activities and assessments.
  • Ensure students can gain access to the online individual learning plans outside tutorial time, to enable them to monitor more accurately the progress they are making.
  • Establish higher expectations of students to improve their attendance.
  • Undertake further training and briefing of staff to continue to raise their awareness of how to identify better opportunities to raise students' awareness of equalities and diversity.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that managers support teachers to follow the School central guidance on lesson planning and assessment and that they monitor how well teachers implement it. Improve the planning of learning and also the schemes of learning so that they include effective techniques to provide differentiated activities to meet different learners’ needs. Provide greater challenge to learners to inspire them to progress further and attain higher grades.
  • Develop more imaginative assessments which stimulate and motivate learners and which are less reliant on written assignments. Increase the range of more interesting and engaging learning activities in lessons. Diversify the types of assignments to include a wider spread of learners’ skills and talents.
  • Take immediate steps to increase the proportion of good or better lessons in order to increase the likelihood of learners succeeding. Increase the impact of the actions being taken to improve the quality of learning and assessment.
  • Improve the effectiveness of course leaders by checking that the good, recent quality improvement initiatives have a positive impact on raising standards. Encourage course leaders to ensure consistent implementation of best practice. Increase the sharing of the good practice, which exists in parts of the provision, across all areas of the curriculum.
  • Improve the advice, guidance and support for adult learners so that more of them are enabled to complete their courses and achieve their intended qualifications. Ensure that these learners are advised to enrol on the most appropriate course for them, especially if their intention is to learn about a new area but not necessarily to gain a qualification.
  • Encourage, through very effective professional development, teachers’ promotion of the wider cultural aspects of equality and diversity and their inclusion in lessons and in assignments. Monitor more rigorously the implementation of this promotion and inclusion through lesson observation and internal verification processes.
  • Ensure that teachers in animal care promote and reinforce relevant industrial practice. Improve learners’ practical and vocational skills to meet external standards and so that learners increase their employment prospects. Ensure, with immediate effect, that safe animal handling practices are emphasised and implemented.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • retention rates on many full-time courses
  • the proportion of good or better teaching
  • the use of management information to set targets and monitor performance
  • the promotion of equality and diversity.