Connell Sixth Form College

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Managers should ensure that the standard of education and training in newly implemented vocational programmes is as rigorous as it is in the more established courses. They should do this by:
    • ensuring that students’ starting points are clearly identified and teachers use this information to plan programmes that will challenge students to achieve their potential
    • providing purposeful and regular feedback to students to help them to extend their knowledge and develop new skills to assist them in making good progress in their studies.
  • Leaders and managers should improve the financial stability of the college.
  • Leaders, governors and managers should set clear and specific actions in the quality improvement plan to enable them to evaluate continually the progress they make.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • ensuring that targets set for students are precise and based on their starting points so that they make good or better progress
    • providing students with informative feedback which helps them to identify what they need to do to improve in order for them to achieve the grades of which they are capable
    • ensuring that teachers take into account what students already know and can do, so that learning activities meet the needs and interests of students, including good levels of challenge for the most able.
  • Ensure that students are able to benefit from meaningful work experience that is linked closely to their courses and career aspirations through good-quality careers advice and guidance.
  • Strengthen quality-assurance arrangements to ensure that leaders closely and accurately monitor the impact of new initiatives in order for the quality of provision to be consistently high across all subject areas.
  • Evaluate the curriculum and introduce courses that meet the needs of the local community, particularly school leavers.
  • Improve the financial sustainability of the college.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • In order to eliminate inconsistencies in success rates between subjects, and students’ irregular attendance in a few, managers should develop a system that enables teachers to share best practice in teaching and learning.
  • Managers should improve systems to monitor teaching and target staff development on the identified areas for improvement of individual teachers.
  • Managers should monitor carefully the effectiveness of the recently introduced literacy and mathematics strategies to ensure students gain sufficient additional support in these subjects, and to ensure all teachers incorporate development of English and mathematics skills in their subjects.
  • Governors and senior leaders should increase the rigour of self-assessment processes in order to identify all areas for development in the college, and ensure that actions in the quality improvement plan are effective in ensuring students receive a good quality education in all subjects.