Coventry College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers must quickly respond to the concerns within apprenticeships. They need to make sure that apprentices receive high-quality teaching that is based on their starting points. The curriculum must be ambitious and challenge apprentices to meet their potential. They must coordinate on- and off-the-job learning to ensure apprentices gain the opportunity to practise newly learned skills.
  • Leaders should make sure that learners and apprentices benefit from a curriculum that is informed by employers to ensure they have the knowledge and skills that employers require, now and in the future.
  • Leaders need to make sure that learners and apprentices consistently receive high-quality teaching. All staff must be given the support they need to improve their teaching practice.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that adult learners and apprentices routinely receive high-quality, unbiased career advice and guidance so that they are aware of the opportunities available to them.
  • Leaders and managers need to ensure that the curriculum for adult learners and apprentices goes beyond their immediate qualifications. They should ensure that learners develop confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally and physically healthy and deepen learners’ and apprentices’ understanding of age-appropriate, healthy relationships.

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders should set higher expectations of teaching quality and support managers and staff to improve curriculum design, planning and delivery so that learners achieve the grades of which they are capable.
  • Too few learners and apprentices make good progress and achieve their English and mathematics GSCE and functional skills qualifications. Leaders must ensure that learners attend these sessions and that teachers have the requisite skills and knowledge to teach these subjects effectively.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that teachers provide learners with effective feedback and support so that they develop their skills, knowledge and behaviours according to their potential.
  • Leaders must ensure that learners in receipt of high-needs funding receive the individualised support to enable them to achieve well and move into supported internships or employment.
  • Leaders need to ensure that recent improvements to the advice and guidance that learners and apprentices receive enable them to make informed decisions about their future career ambitions.
  • Managers need to ensure that learners and apprentices attend planned tutorial sessions so that they develop a strong understanding of living and working in modern Britain. Learners and apprentices need to know specifically the threats posed locally from those with radical or extremist views.
  • Governors must ensure that leaders’ improvement actions lead quickly to learners and apprentices knowing more and achieving their best.
  • Leaders need to ensure that all staff collaborate to create a harmonious and calm working environment, inside and outside the college campuses.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Managers should improve teaching, learning and assessment further, by:
    • ensuring that all teachers set clearly defined targets for learners and apprentices that give them specific actions to help them improve the knowledge, skills and understanding required for their programme of study
    • ensuring that all teachers use the information they have about learners’ existing skills and abilities to plan lessons that meet their needs, including those of the most able
    • improving teaching in English and mathematics by ensuring that learners’ specific skills gaps are identified and tackled
    • ensuring that the evaluation of teaching and learning focuses more on the progress that learners make and the standards of work they produce
    • ensuring that feedback to learners is more consistently useful in guiding learners to improve their progress and development
    • improving learners’ attendance and punctuality in English and mathematics lessons.
  • Ensure that governors are more challenging and decisive in following up the actions of leaders to improve outcomes and teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Reinforce with learners their understanding of the risks of radicalisation and extremism, so this is more consistently secure.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Make certain that every learner is clear on the relative merits of employment, training or further courses and more effectively assist them in progression to appropriate learning or employment.
  • Make better use of all the information available on learners so that teachers can plan and implement learning, with appropriate challenge, that makes learning more personal.
  • Improve the embedding of mathematics teaching in vocational courses and ensure that learners gain appropriate qualifications, including higher-grade GCSE qualifications where applicable.
  • Ensure managers and staff fully implement and closely monitor the relatively recent changes to the management and procedures for apprenticeship provision and if these are not effective, promptly revise them to ensure a consistent level of good performance in apprentice provision.
  • Build on recent improvements and the current enthusiasm of staff by further raising the standards of teaching, learning and assessment and continuing to persist in providing robust leadership to improve provision.
  • Improve the strategy for engagement with employers by taking a more coherent approach that identifies more measurable objectives, defines realistic performance indicators, annually revises strategic objectives and aligns them with the specific needs of employers.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does Henley College Coventry need to do to improve further?
  • Encourage all learners to achieve to their full potential by setting more challenging and stretching targets. Ensure that questioning in lessons challenges the more able learners so they complete work to a higher standard and achieve higher grades.
  • Ensure that all assessors correct learners’ spelling and grammar and provide detailed individual feedback that enables and encourages learners to aim higher.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Henley College Coventry need to do to improve further?
  • Raise achievement for foundation and intermediate learners by ensuring they are well prepared for and complete assessments by agreed deadlines.
  • Develop the approaches used successfully at intermediate level, and those introduced recently, to raise the attainment of literacy, numeracy and ICT qualifications for learners at foundation level.
  • Increase the proportion of good or better lessons by focussing more sharply on learning and on ensuring learners are challenged sufficiently in order to achieve their full potential.
  • Use the information on learners’ prior attainment more effectively in planning lessons to ensure learners receive appropriate support and make the progress of which they are capable.
  • Ensure that all learners benefit from work experience opportunities.
  • Measure the progress learners make more systematically and regularly within departments to improve performance monitoring and to enable more timely support to be put in place.
  • Ensure the governing body places greater focus on challenging the Principal and senior managers on the academic performance of the college.
  • Continue to develop quality improvement strategies that identify more quickly areas of underperformance at course level and introduce actions to remedy these with greater speed, using a more rigorous approach to self-assessment and lesson observation.

2007 Re-Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • low success rates for learners aged 16-18 on level 3 courses
  • low key skills success rates
  • low completion rates on apprenticeship programmes
  • the access to and use of management information to set targets.

2005 Re-Inspection Report


2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • quality of teaching and learning
  • curriculum management
  • quality assurance arrangements
  • use of management information
  • provision of learning support
  • social sciences and literacy and numeracy provision.