Fareham College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve achievement rates in GCSE English and mathematics by making sure that:
    • students with low prior attainment in these subjects receive challenging and realistic targets to help them achieve a good grade
    • teachers receive high-quality training and development so they are better able to plan and deliver sessions that engage, motivate and enthuse students to achieve
    • teachers set challenging targets and provide consistently effective feedback that extend students’ English and mathematics skills.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the development and accreditation of students’ skills in English and mathematics through thorough initial assessment and planning of vocationally relevant functional skills to inspire and meet individual students’ needs.
  • Ensure that all students’ knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity take full account of the changing nature of society and employment beyond that of the local community.
  • Improve the effectiveness of self-assessment at all levels to robustly evaluate and judge all aspects of the quality of provision leading to a constant and detailed drive for improvement.
  • Ensure that the quality of teaching and learning continues to rapidly improve and a much greater proportion is outstanding and includes better sharing of best practice, increased emphasis on student progress and rigorous action planning. 

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Fareham College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning by developing appropriate crosscollege strategies to disseminate and share existing good and better practice to check individual learning. Increase the proportion of better lessons by ensuring that all learners are sufficiently challenged to make the progress of which they are capable.
  • Develop further the access to, and use of, technology across the college to provide support for the broad and extensive curriculum offer. Ensure that equality and diversity are promoted consistently well across all curriculum areas.
  • Ensure the college observation scheme reviews teaching and learning more rigorously and places improvements to learning outcomes at the centre of all that the college endeavours to achieve. Provide more precise guidance to teachers on how to improve the quality of lessons and ensure that progress towards achieving these actions is monitored and evaluated rigorously.
  • Develop precise actions to improve the provision in performing arts and music; monitor and evaluate rigorously the implementation and impact of these actions.
  • Increase and improve partnership working with employers across the college so all learners benefit from their involvement in developing and reviewing course provision and in developing work placement opportunities.
  • Improve further the information, advice and guidance for learners on advanced level and work-based learning programmes, to ensure learners are placed consistently on the right course.
  • Improve the consistency of target setting for learners, so precise monitoring of progress can take place for all learners.
  • Strengthen the subject area self-assessment process to include the views of users on the quality of the provision and to ensure that strengths and areas for improvement reflect accurately the quality of the area. Enhance robust arrangements to monitor consistently weaker provision and improve significantly the opportunities for students to succeed above the national average.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • success rates for adults and for students on AS and A-level courses
  • retention rates on many long courses
  • the checking of students’ learning in lessons
  • the quality and impact of course reviews.

2006 Re-Inspection Report
Areas for improvement
  • Success rates on national diploma in public service course
  • The academic challenge of a minority of lessons on level 3 courses
  • Some staff’s recent industrial experience.

2005 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • overall achievements on a significant number of courses
  • the implementation of quality assurance procedures in most curriculum areas
  • the consistency of tutorial support and action planning for individual students
  • links with employers
  • the assessment of students in several curriculum areas.