Fircroft College of Adult Education

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that more teaching is outstanding by reviewing the observation of teaching and learning process so that it covers all aspects of the learners’ experience. Implement a programme of developmental observation to help teachers improve further their classroom practice.
  • Ensure learners’ individual learning needs are fully met by setting learning aims on short courses that are individual and specific to each learner. Provide sufficient stretch and challenge for the more able learners on the access programme.
  • Identify the reasons for the relatively weaker performance for access learners aged 19 to 25 and take effective actions to help them achieve as well as more mature learners.
  • Provide written feedback to learners on short courses within timescales that help them to learn from the assessment of their work and improve their performance.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • No key areas of improvement

2003 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Fircroft College of Adult Education
  • fully establish strategies for developing and sharing good practice
  • fully implement a college-wide strategy for literacy, numeracy and language support
  • complete quality assurance arrangements
  • continue to meet the needs of the wider community