Grantham College

2023 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders should make sure that all courses and the personal development curriculum are logically planned so that students and apprentices gain the knowledge and skills they require over time.
  • Managers should support all teachers to use assessment well and to help them develop appropriate resources and activities to aid students’ learning.
  • Leaders and governors should continue to closely monitor attendance and their strategies to improve student outcomes to ensure that students attend their courses and achieve.
  • Leaders should ensure that staffing continues to be in place for engineering apprentices and that they catch up with their studies and achieve.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Managers should improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment further in the small minority of lessons by making sure that teachers plan and teach interesting and challenging lessons to meet the needs and abilities of all students and apprentices, including the most able.
  • Managers should monitor students’ progress more effectively and make sure that predicted grades reflect more accurately their real progress.
  • Teachers should improve the teaching of mathematics within vocational lessons to develop and emphasise the importance of this essential vocational and life skill.
  • Managers and teachers should make sure that all students on study programmes benefit from good-quality work placements that are linked to their studies and monitored effectively.
  • Leaders and managers should make sure that the self-assessment report reflects more accurately the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum areas.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • ensuring that evaluations of teaching and learning are rigorous and focus more on the progress that learners make and the standards of their work
    • raising teachers’ expectations of what all learners can achieve, and ensuring that all teachers set demanding and challenging work both in lessons and for independent study
    • using detailed information on learners’ and apprentices’ existing skills and abilities to monitor their progress rigorously and set clear targets for improvement
    • ensuring that feedback on marked work enables learners to know exactly what they need to do to improve both their vocational work and their use of accurate English.
  • Strengthen attendance monitoring so that dips in learners’ attendance are identified immediately, and ensure that interventions result in more learners completing their course successfully.
  • Raise success rates for adult apprentices by ensuring that the weaknesses in health and social care provision are tackled urgently.
  • Ensure that all learners on study programmes benefit from external work experience in a realistic commercial environment.
  • Leaders and managers at all levels should produce much sharper, more concise and self-critical evaluations of the strengths and weakness of the provision, and identify a small number of overriding priorities for improvement.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Grantham College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the progress learners make, particularly in academic programmes by providing greater challenge to learners to achieve high grades.
  • Continue to develop the skills of teachers by ensuring that the observation of teaching and learning leads to targeted improvements. Further develop the use of ILT and the VLE to enhance learning across all curriculum areas.
  • Continue the development of the tutorial programme by further involving learners in the planning, reviewing and evaluation of the programme to meet their needs
  • Strengthen the rigour of quality assurance and monitoring arrangements for all areas of the college’s work by ensuring that sufficient data, analysis and tracking are in place for all centrally held information.
  • Extend the promotion of equality and diversity throughout the curriculum and improve the monitoring of equality and diversity at strategic level by: continuing to share the good practice that exists in lessons; ensuring staff and governor profiles are analysed, evaluated and monitored in detail; and ensuring that specific targets are set in the college’s equality plan.
  • Improve the role of governors further by ensuring they monitor their own performance effectively and give greater prominence to their legislative duties.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement The college should address:
  • low success rates for adult learners
  • the need to increase the proportion of teaching which is good or better
  • underdeveloped support arrangements for part-time learners
  • insufficient rigour of quality systems to drive improvements
  • underdeveloped systematic review and evaluation to inform strategies.

2003 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • the retention rate on some courses
  • very low attendance and pass rates on key skills
  • the weak framework for the promotion of equal opportunities
  • poor attendance on some courses and at additional learning support lessons
  • slow progress and poor pass rates on work-based learning.