Haringey Sixth Form College

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders should ensure that teachers plan a curriculum that logically connects both academic and non-academic components. For vocational programmes, staff need to ensure that students undertake timely relevant external work experience.
  • Leaders need to ensure that teachers receive high-quality subject-specific training that supports them to improve their teaching practice.
  • Leaders should ensure that students, particularly those not intending to apply to university, have timely access to careers advice and guidance about the full range of pathways available.
  • Staff should continue to improve student attendance, by ensuring that expectations are consistently high. They should implement strategies to support those students who are persistently absent to attend their lessons and to remain up to date with their work.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that the quality of teaching and learning in GCSE mathematics and in the provision for high-needs students is consistently high so that students make good or better progress towards achieving their qualifications and personal and career goals.
  • Closely monitor all students’ progress to ensure that they are all on track to achieve, and take prompt remedial action where students are not making sufficient progress.
  • Ensure that all teachers consistently make good use of initial and ongoing student assessment information to plan learning that develops effectively all students’ literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Ensure that all level 1, level 2 and, where appropriate, high-needs students benefit from external work experience; ensure that teachers evaluate the impact of work experience and work-related learning for all students and use it to inform the next stages of their learning.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Develop and consistently implement effective strategies to ensure that all students study on appropriate courses, and that students’ attendance is rigorously monitored, poor attendance is consistently followed up and good attendance is celebrated.
  • Assess all students’ abilities in English and mathematics and provide suitable courses that, where appropriate, will allow them to progress to GCSE.
  • Ensure that teachers pay closer attention, when planning lessons, to students’ existing skills and knowledge and individual learning needs, so that activities challenge all students to fulfil their potential.
  • Provide training so that all teachers have the confidence and ability to improve students’ English and mathematics.
  • Check more rigorously the veracity of data used to measure performance and ensure that all staff are skilled in using accurate data, both to monitor progress against targets and to measure students’ achievements.
  • Link the centre’s quality processes more closely so that managers hold all staff to account for their work and achievements.

2012 Full Inspection Report

What does the school need to do to improve further?  Continue to raise achievement by: increasing the average grade and the proportion of higher grades gained at A level and in BTEC Level 3 qualifications, so that all aspects of attainment are firmly in line with national averages ensuring that greater proportions of students complete the courses that they start, consistently across all subjects and curriculum areas.  Improve the effectiveness of teaching by: ensuring that students are much better matched to and placed on programmes which are appropriate to their previous learning, so that teaching can focus more precisely both on their needs and the requirements of the course ensuring that teaching has a strong focus on developing deep subjectspecific skills and knowledge, as well as providing students with strategies to pass examinations and complete coursework tasks.  Improve students’ punctuality to lessons, so that maximum use is made of teaching and learning time.

2008 Full Inspection Report
What the school should do to improve further
  • Build students' skills for learning so that they can work effectively as independent learners.
  • Improve the consistency of rates of progress across different subjects to raise achievement.