Havering Adult College

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that more of the teaching and learning is outstanding. Provide training for all teachers so that they have the confidence and knowledge to integrate English and mathematics into their lessons, and make good use of naturally-occurring opportunities and current events to foster a wider understanding of equality and diversity.
  • Review the courses in independent living so that learners become less dependent on the teacher and progress more quickly. Deploy the learning support assistants more effectively so that all learners can actively contribute in lessons and make better progress. Actively focus on, and encourage, the development of communication skills, so that learners are prepared better for independence and participation in their community.
  • Monitor closely the progress of apprentices on subcontracted provision to ensure that they complete their programmes within the agreed timescale, and that apprentices achieve their qualifications in English and mathematics.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Use improved sharing of good practice, and a more effective and challenging system of observation of teaching and learning to improve the quality of provision and, in due course, outcomes.
  • Ensure the current plans to improve communication with learners and tutors, better identify and support learning needs, and improve the standard of accommodation are fully and promptly implemented.
  • Ensure that the action planning for improving aspects of equality and diversity also includes better marketing of the college’s provision to a wider range of learners who are currently in need of skill improvement, and that lessons more routinely and naturally promote equality and diversity.

2009 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Narrow curriculum offer for sports, leisure and recreation
  • Incomplete development and use of management information

2008 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Satisfactory success rates
  • Ineffective arrangements to assess and record learners’ start points, progress and achievement
  • Insufficient pre-course advice and guidance
  • Quality improvement arrangements
  • Promotion of equality of opportunity

2003 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Havering LEA
  • improve accommodation and resources
  • ensure implementation of complete quality assurance systems
  • consolidate foundation provision
  • ensure adequate recording of learners’ health issues for activity-based courses
  • ensure development of formal structures to promote equal opportunities
  • improve recording of learners’ achievement on non-accredited courses