Herefordshire & Ludlow College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders should improve the quality of provision for learners with high needs so that they are taught the skills they need to progress rapidly to the next stage of their education or training.
  • Leaders should ensure that all learners and apprentices have a secure understanding of the risks associated with radicalisation and extremism in the sector areas in which learners and apprentices work and in their wider lives.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that all learners and apprentices, including learners with EHC plans, receive unbiased and high-quality careers education, information, advice and guidance so that they know well the full range of next steps available to them.
  • Leaders should ensure that teachers improve the information they gain on what learners know and can do at the beginning of adult learners programmes, especially in ESOL, and for learners who have high needs. Teachers must use this information to plan learning carefully so that learners make the rapid progress of which they are capable.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Herefordshire College of Technology need to do to improve further?
  • Improve college and Train to Gain success rates to well above the national average by embedding the range of strategies which have strengthened retention and achievement and consolidating the current in-year improvements.
  • Promote teachers’ skills in using strategies that challenge and stretch learners, including the increased use of more demanding questions, greater emphasis on matching tasks to individual ability and making sure that learners think for themselves, so that more learners make consistently good progress relative to their respective starting points.
  • Support teachers to develop equality and diversity themes fully in lessons and tutorials and to reinforce learners’ awareness and understanding over and above where equality and diversity issues occur naturally.
  • Strengthen the college’s response to the entitlement for learners aged 16–18 by reviewing timetabling arrangements to increase access to, and participation in, the cross-college enrichment programme and by monitoring group tutorials more closely to ensure all key themes are covered and reinforced consistently across the college.
  • Strengthen equality and diversity policies to ensure they underpin the college’s work and embed arrangements for the timely reporting of progress against equality and diversity action plans.
  • Embed arrangements to increase the rigour of internal lesson observations by enabling observers to assess learning and progress in lessons more effectively and ensuring observation records are evaluative and accurately graded. Ensure that appraisals take systematic account of the outcomes from lesson observations, and of targets set at earlier appraisals.
  • Secure greater consistency in success rates and the quality of provision between different curriculum areas through more effective sharing of good practice. Ensure new courses are monitored closely to minimise risk of failure.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • the requirements of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
  • the development and embedding of the Skills for Life strategy
  • planning to ensure the needs of all learners are met in all lessons
  • the rigour of self-assessment and quality assurance at course level.

2004 Re-Inspection Report


2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • unsatisfactory teaching of many students aged 16 to 18
  • narrow curriculum for full-time IT, secretarial and humanities students
  • unsatisfactory student attainments on full-time courses in IT and courses in engineering and hospitality
  • low retention rates on many full-time courses
  • uneven quality of student guidance and curriculum planning
  • some poor accommodation and equipment
  • some weak self-assessment procedure and practice.