Hugh Baird College

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Lecturers should use the information from learners’ and apprentices’ starting points to plan learning that challenges:
    • the most able learners to make the progress of which they are capable
    • apprentices to develop new skills and make rapid progress.
  • Leaders and managers should bring about rapid improvements in the quality of the apprenticeship provision by:
    • improving the proportion of apprentices who achieve on health and social care, construction and electrotechnical apprenticeships
    • identifying and narrowing achievement gaps for apprentices, including those on advanced-level programmes, apprentices aged 16 to 23 and those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities
    • increasing the proportion of apprentices studying with the subcontractor, Absolute Training Solutions, who achieve their apprenticeship within the planned time.
  • Leaders and managers should improve learners’ and apprentices’ attendance on the courses where the rates are too low.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the quality of teachers’ written feedback ensuring that learners are clear about what they need to do better to improve the standard of their written work. Set clear and challenging targets to ensure that more learners, particularly the most able, achieve high grades.
  • Make sure that all learners attend and are punctual; review existing strategies to ensure that they are applied consistently by all teachers and managers across the college.
  • Ensure college-wide improvement in teaching, learning and assessment in functional English and mathematics, and increase learners’ successful completion of qualifications in these subjects. In particular, make sure that subject teachers emphasise to learners the importance of gaining qualifications in English and mathematics to secure employment and places in higher education.
  • Make certain that all learners achieve their qualification for the minority of subjects where success rates are low.
  • Ensure that all learners progress into higher study or employment through improved careers guidance and by teachers more closely focusing on learners’ plans for their future careers.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Hugh Baird College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the consistency of high success rates across the college and on all courses. In particular, improve success rates on short course programmes, building on recent improvements.
  • Improve the questioning techniques teachers use in some lessons so that they extend the understanding of learners more effectively. To this end continue to develop and embed teaching and learning systems to disseminate good practice.
  • Ensure that the additional learning needs of all learners are accounted for in the delivery of their vocational or academic programmes, sharing the best practice developed in special learning difficulties and disabilities, literacy and numeracy provision.
  • Empower students to be more involved within college decision-making structures. Ensure the further involvement of students and their representatives so that their views are considered fully in all aspects of the college’s work.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • low pass rates on key skills courses
  • inconsistency of group tutorials
  • ensure the college plays a full role in Sefton 14-19 developments

2003 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • sharing of good practice in teaching and learning
  • use of ICT in teaching o retention rates for adult students
  • planning, teaching and assessment of key skills
  • use of value added data to set targets for students and monitor their progress.

2000 Full Inspection Report
