
2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that:
    • the action planning following direct observation of taught sessions is both sufficiently detailed and used to improve tutors’ professional practice quickly
    • all tutors consistently plan and record learners’ non-accredited programme attainment targets to a high standard that promotes learners’ progress and achievement
    • tutors develop all younger learners’ understanding of fundamental British values and how to protect themselves from the harmful effects of extremism and radicalisation
    • the rate at which young learners achieve English and mathematics qualifications at GCSE is significantly improved so that their future employment opportunities are increased
    • strategies are introduced to raise and sustain high attendance on all community learning and study programmes sessions.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Carry out more frequent annual observations of taught sessions in subcontracted provision that include observations of a significantly higher proportion of tutors to ensure that teaching continues to be good or better. Use observations to develop an action plan, particularly where the service judges sessions to require improvement.
  • Regularly evaluate the training and development provided by subcontractors for their tutors to ensure that this training is relevant, current and has a positive impact on the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Improve short-term target setting so that learners have clear individualised targets to help them develop their personal learning and thinking skills and to work successfully towards their longer-term aims.
  • Ensure that it gathers accurate information about the destinations of learners on community learning and family learning programmes so that it can assess how well these programmes are helping to widen participation in adult learning.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Rapidly improve learner outcomes on Foundation Learning by better preparing them for progression into employment, apprenticeship or further education. Set demanding targets for all learners to undertake work experience, improve their attendance, develop their skills and achieve qualifications.
  • Improve the quality of provision in Foundation Learning to good or better by adopting a more thorough approach to the planning of all vocational activities to ensure that they meet individual learners’ needs.
  • Significantly improve the monitoring of learners’ progress by using a single individual learning plan, ensuring that targets are specific and time-bound.
  • Further improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment to good or better levels by sharing good practice and by greater use of peer support from within the service. Target staff support and development on planning lessons to meet individual learner needs, making more imaginative use of Information Learning Technology (ILT) and in designing better quality learning resources. Encourage all tutors to routinely evaluate their lessons.
  • Share best practice in completing the individual learning plans and the tutor feedback on the learners’ progress. Ensure that all learners are enabled to record their learning objectives on their learning plans by using a range of multimedia and ILT, where appropriate.
  • Develop the confidence and skills of all tutors to increase the promotion of equality and diversity in all lessons.
  • Ensure tutors use all opportunities to develop learners’ literacy and numeracy skills in all lessons.

2009 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Incomplete implementation of the system to recognise and record progress and achievement
  • Insufficiently rigorous observation of teaching and learning in some instances
  • Underdeveloped provision of good quality information learning technology to support learning in some community venues

2006 Re-Inspection Report


2005 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Nottinghamshire County Council Adult and Community Learning Service
  • continue to create new opportunities for disadvantaged learners
  • build stronger communication between the ACLS and teaching delivery staff 
  • develop a thorough approach to the assessment of non-accredited achievement
  • share good practice
  • improve the advice to learners about progress
  • develop the effective use of individual learning plans
  • improve curriculum-planning arrangements
  • implement strategies to improve the quality of teaching and learning
  • give more emphasis and guidance on equality and anti-bullying and harassment practices
  • further develop quality improvement measures

2003 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Nottinghamshire County Council Culture and Community Department
  • set a clear strategic direction and communicate this to all staff
  • broaden the range of provision in early years care and education
  • quality assure the learning experience in subcontracted provision