Itchen College

2021 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers need to improve further students’ attendance.
  • Leaders and managers must ensure apprentices benefit from well-planned, high-quality off-the-job training and develop their mathematics and English skills beyond the requirements of the apprenticeship.
  • Leaders and managers need to further increase the range of, and participation in, enrichment activities to broaden students’ personal interests and support their well-being.

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by training teachers to plan and teach lessons that help students to excel. Ensure that teachers take enough account of students’ prior learning, starting points and potential.
  • Ensure that teachers’ feedback to students on their work identifies accurately and precisely the skills, knowledge and behaviours they need to improve. Monitor the quality and impact of teachers’ feedback and set them targets for improvement when it is not of a high enough standard.
  • Share the good practice that already exists so that teachers consistently expect the highest standard of their students and teaching inspires and motivates them.
  • Improve the numbers of students who achieve their qualifications by identifying accurately the reasons why they underperform. Rapidly put in place actions to mitigate these, particularly in subjects where students have underperformed for several years.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Set targets for learners’ achievements, attendance, retention and progression, which clearly identify the aspirational outcomes that governors and senior managers want to achieve. These targets should be reflected in improvement plans at all levels and closely monitored by governors and managers to ensure that they bring about rapid improvements to the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Set and monitor aspirational targets for individual learners and ensure that current performance is regularly and accurately assessed. Managers should use the new monitoring systems to identify learners who are underperforming and ensure that effective and rapid support leads to progress in line with expectations.
  • Leaders should improve the monitoring and risk assessment of visiting speakers.
  • Improve teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • identifying effective quality improvement strategies and ensuring that good practice in management and teaching, learning and assessment is shared across all subjects and the impact is measured
    • ensuring that observations and learning walks evaluate the standards that learners are achieving, the progress they are making and the quality of feedback to learners. Managers should report the findings to governors in a form that allows effective challenge.
  • Ensure that managers develop more links with local businesses, so that learners benefit from access to work placements, work experience, or work-related activities and are better prepared for employment and their next step.
  • Improve attendance by swiftly supporting learners who do not achieve minimum attendance targets, reinforcing expectations with regard to good attendance and improving the consistency in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Improve students’ progress further by:
    • making better use of value-added data to identify courses where students’ progress is less than good, and reviewing all aspects of the teaching, learning and assessment in those courses to identify precisely what needs to be improved
    • ensuring that data, including challenging target grades for students, are used effectively by all teachers and managers throughout the year to monitor individual students’ progress rigorously, and intervening swiftly where evidence of underperformance is found
    • increasing the proportion of outstanding lessons by ensuring that lesson observers identify the precise characteristics of the very best teaching and learning, and building upon current strategies to share best practice and raise teaching standards further
    • ensuring that on all courses students are given work that is sufficiently demanding, both in lessons and for independent study. Improving the consistency and quality of teachers’ feedback on marked work, so that all students are clear about what they need to do to improve their work and achieve challenging targets.
  • Develop a comprehensive and systematic approach to improve students’ English and mathematics through the curriculum on all courses. Increase the proportion of students achieving grades A* to C at GCSE in these subjects by identifying and removing the barriers to improvement.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • low success rates
  • insufficient progress by least able students
  • unsatisfactory attendance by students on level 2 courses
  • enabling more students to think for themselves in lessons
  • insufficient focus on feedback and action planning to help students improve.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • retention rates on some courses
  • attendance on GCSE courses
  • access and use of computers in and out of lessons
  • social areas for students
  • access to parts of the building for students with restricted mobility
  • arrangements for supporting all students with additional learning needs
  • evaluation of students’ destinations.