Leyton Sixth Form College

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that governors, leaders and managers maintain their strong focus on developing teachers’ skills to ensure that the quality of provision is consistently high across all subjects.
  • Increase the proportion of AS-level learners who achieve and exceed their target grades by ensuring that:
    • more teachers use activities in lessons that are tailored to meet the different ability levels of learners
    • teachers check more carefully what learners have learned in lessons and help them fill any gaps in their understanding.
  • Increase the proportion of learners who achieve a grade C or above in GCSEs in English and mathematics at the first attempt by:
    • improving learners’ awareness of the importance of developing their skills in these subjects and raising their attendance at lessons
    • providing learners with work that is sufficiently demanding, especially those who are most-able, so that a higher proportion make progress relative to their prior attainment.
  • Develop further the study programmes for level 3 vocational and academic learners who do not apply for university so that they have a greater range of guidance and experiences, including work placements, to prepare them for employment.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment to outstanding by ensuring that teachers:
    • stretch and challenge all students and fully meet their individual needs
    • do not dominate teaching sessions, and use a variety of learning tasks to engage and motivate all students
    • make full use of ICT in lessons and through the college’s virtual learning environment (VLE) to enliven and enhance learning.
  • Ensure the remaining areas of underperformance in subjects are resolved rapidly, by producing clearer and more detailed action plans and implementing fully the well-designed staff performance management system.
  • Raise standards and ensure all students reach their full potential by agreeing with them specific and measurable individual targets that are monitored regularly.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Leyton College need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to improve AS-level results, through rigorous monitoring of students’ achievement and targeted support, so that all students make good progress.
  • Implement the planned literacy strategy to ensure that all students benefit from appropriate literacy support to help more of them achieve higher grades.
  • Continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning, especially where lessons lack pace or teachers do not make effective use of targeted questioning to challenge all students.
  • Ensure that all course reviews and curriculum area self-assessment reports are sufficiently evaluative and detailed and that action plans are more precise in order to secure further improvement.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement
  • poor value added on many AS courses and low progression rates from AS to GCE A level courses
  • low proportion of good or better teaching in many subjects
  • insufficient challenge for more able learners
  • weak teaching of key skills at level 3 and low pass rates
  • inconsistent implementation of quality assurance.

2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • retention and pass rates on some courses
  • quality of teaching in some areas
  • effectiveness of quality assurance
  • clarification of the roles and responsibilities of middle managers.