Long Road Sixth Form College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve rapidly the quality of teaching, learning and assessment on level 3 mathematics courses in order for students to make good progress and achieve to the best of their abilities.
  • Further improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in the few subject areas where performance is not yet at a sufficiently high standard by ensuring that:
    • leaders and managers improve the performance of the minority of teachers who do not enable students to achieve the high grades of which they are capable
    • teachers plan a broad range of tasks and activities that meet the different needs of students and that challenge them effectively to realise their potential.
  • Ensure that all students arrive on time for their lessons at the start of the college day, so that students are better prepared for their next steps and the world of work.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that all students have every opportunity to make excellent progress on every course by:
    • setting, enforcing and maintaining high standards and expectations for all aspects of students’ learning; for example, by making sure that students arrive to all lessons punctually, are ready to learn, and are set demanding work both in lessons and out of lessons
    • ensuring that students are set challenging targets for achievement, that their progress towards meeting these targets is monitored rigorously by their teachers and progress coaches, and that interventions where students are underachieving are swift and effective
    • raising the proportion of outstanding lessons, and ensuring that all lessons are at least good, by identifying the precise characteristics of the very best teaching and learning, and sharing the insights and experience of the most accomplished practitioners across the college through focused staff training
    • using rigorous, sharp and incisive self-evaluation to identify where performance needs to be improved on each course and intervening effectively to secure improvements
    • ensuring that all staff recognise the full potential of all students, regardless of their prior attainment, and work to instil all students with a sense of pride in their work and personal ambition.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • low success rates in a minority of AS subjects in 2007/08
  • under-developed planning for the differing needs of students in lessons
  • inconsistent implementation of some aspects of quality assurance
  • insufficient improvement to the punctuality of students.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • some insufficiently challenging teaching
  • students' attendance and punctuality
  • insufficient monitoring of students' progress against targets
  • some aspects of quality assurance
  • overcrowded accommodation
  • social areas for students.