Luton Adult Learning Service

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Review individual learning plans to check whether these set challenging targets aimed at extending learners’ knowledge and skills. Combine this with closer monitoring of the quality of written feedback to learners so they know how they can improve their work further.
  • Develop further the frequent and systematic monitoring of teachers’ classroom practices so that managers know where best to focus their quality assurance activities to bring about further improvements in teaching and learning.
  • Identify ways to gather meaningful, up-to-date and accurate data to evaluate fully the success of courses and to develop progression routes further.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does LACL need to do to improve further?
  • Identify the reasons for learners’ poor performance in ESOL, literacy and numeracy and take corrective actions to ensure that overall success rates increase.
  • Provide more challenging and interactive learning activities to extend learners’ knowledge and understanding, and to engage them fully in learning.
  • Ensure that teachers use a wider and more exciting range of teaching and learning methods and that they make better use of good quality ILT resources to support learning.
  • Raise tutors’ awareness of the benefits of the new management information system by ensuring that they have a full understanding of the information that is available to them and of how they can use it for performance monitoring and target setting.
  • Accelerate the current pace of management action planning for improvement by ensuring that challenging targets are set and met within planned timescales.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • The insufficient planning of learning to meet individual needs
  • The insufficient use of data to plan the curriculum
  • The insufficiently established quality improvement arrangements

2002 Full Inspection Report
Other improvements needed
  • more specific targets on development plan