Marine Society College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Further develop the arrangements to record learners’ progression and destinations to include those seafarers completing the pre-courses in ‘maths@sea’ and ‘English@sea’, and use this information to evaluate how effectively these courses support learners to move on to higher levels of qualification and learning.
  • Ensure that all learners complete the necessary ‘Prevent’ duty training. Staff should support learners to understand the relevance and reasons for completing courses and how this relates to their work and everyday lives.
  • Ensure that managers follow up the recommendations given to tutors at the subcontractor, after they sample learners’ work and in order to confirm that actions for improvement have been implemented.

2016 Full Inspection Report

What does the provider need to do to improve further?  Further develop arrangements to record learners’ progress, skills development and achievements effectively, for both qualification-based and non-accredited learning.  Follow up learners’ personal and/or career development to measure the impact of learning by recording the destinations of learners on withdrawal and completion of their courses.  Develop a protocol to include a record of activities that employers provide. Ensure that arrangements for pastoral and learning support are recorded so that learners’ individual needs, for example dyslexia support and other barriers to learning, are identified, understood and shared between all parties to enable appropriate support to be provided.

2014 Full Inspection Report

What does the provider need to do to improve further?  Increase the number of learners who successfully complete their GCSE and A-level programmes, by accurately establishing learners’ starting points to ensure that all are on the most appropriate course, and are clear about the course content and examination requirements.  Ensure that all teaching, learning and assessment are good or better, through improving tutors planning and setting of individual targets for learners giving them the best opportunity to achieve their qualification, with high grades.  Ensure that all learners make good progress in their studies, by requiring tutors to swiftly alert managers when learners make slower than planned progress, thus allowing for prompt additional help and guidance to enable learners to succeed.  Improve managers’ use of data to monitor learners’ progress effectively, identifying and acting upon any differences in their performance, therefore improving the quality of learning. Make better use of data to monitor the subcontractor’s and tutors’ performance and make certain that managers take swift action to tackle underperformance.  To ensure that the courses offered by the college are the most suitable for the maritime industry, take immediate steps to collect and analyse information on the qualifications and employment that learners gain as a consequence of their studies.  With immediate effect, ensure that the college’s safeguarding of GCSE and A-level learners improves, by requiring partner organisations to adequately risk assess their staff and tutors to determine whether they are suitable to work with vulnerable adults.

2009 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • The monitoring of progress of learners on non-accredited courses
  • The development (and use) of management information (to improve provision for learners)

2005 Full Inspection Report
Missing Report!