Middlesbrough College

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that all teachers enable learners on study programmes and adult learning programmes to develop their English and mathematical skills within their main qualifications.
  • Ensure that a much greater proportion of learners studying English and mathematics achieve high-grade passes in GCSE English and mathematics, and that a higher proportion of adult learners achieve their functional skills qualifications at levels higher than those that they already hold.
  • Accelerate the pace of change in tackling the weaknesses in the apprenticeship provision to improve the quality of education that apprentices receive and ensure that apprentices make quicker progress.
  • Ensure that teachers on A-level courses plan and use high-quality learning activities that support and challenge a much higher proportion of learners to achieve their potential.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Senior leaders and managers need to quicken the pace of improvement so that achievement rates increase across all types of qualifications and in all subjects, and the quality of the provision becomes consistently good or better.
  • Governors should be more curious and critical of the reports they receive from senior managers, so that they can better hold senior management to account for the pace of improvement at the college.
  • Managers should support teachers to get better at planning lessons to meet the needs of all their students, particularly the more able, and to provide students with the detailed feedback that will challenge them to improve their grades and development of skills.
  • Teachers need to be more consistent in their recording of students’ targets, and they need to be more precise and developmental in the targets they set; managers need to evaluate systematically the quality of the targets being set.
  • Senior leaders and managers’ evaluation of the findings from self-assessment needs to be more self-critical and judgemental, so that they identify accurately what needs to improve, how and within what timescales.
  • Managers need to accelerate the implementation of the new English and mathematics strategy so that the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in these subjects improves and students’ achievement rates increase.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Middlesbrough College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve success rates on underperforming AS courses and further improve the progress made by all students.
  • Further develop teaching and learning so that all lessons meet the needs of all students effectively, ensure that ILT is used well to support learning and that tutors’ feedback is sufficiently detailed across all subjects to help students improve the quality of their work.
  • Monitor the quality of group tutorials through observations, identifying good practice and aspects for improvement in order to focus staff development on improving the quality and consistency of group tutorials.
  • Extend the engagement of learners still further so that more are involved in all aspects of the college’s decision-making and self-assessment.
  • Strengthen self-assessment to ensure that all weaknesses are clearly identified and use existing quality assurance processes and performance management arrangements to eradicate remaining inconsistencies.

2009 Full Inspection Report
What does Middlesbrough College need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to improve teaching, learning and assessment. In particular improve teachers’ use of questioning techniques so that they can assess all learners’ progress and help them to improve.
  • Monitor learners’ progress more thoroughly by strengthening assessment of written work so that they understand the level they are working at and what they need to do to attain their target grades.
  • Ensure that there is sufficient subject specific learning support to help all learners make progress.
  • Strengthen performance management in the subject area to ensure that college policies and procedures are implemented rigorously by all staff.
  • Analyse and evaluate the underlying causes of the poor progress made by learners aged 16 to 18 on GCSE mathematics and devise and implement appropriate strategies to improve achievement.
  • Develop risk management strategies for subjects where there is only one specialist teacher.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • inadequate provision in science and mathematics
  • level 3 success rates
  • quality of teaching and learning
  • weak curriculum management in a minority of areas
  • implementation of quality assurance arrangements.

2005 Re-Inspection Report
Areas for improvement
  • student independence not always promoted
  • inconsistent application of management and quality assurance processes.

2003 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • the provision in construction, modern foreign languages and for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities
  • the support for part-time agency teachers
  • the rigour of the lesson observation scheme
  • aspects of accommodation, including access for those with limited mobility
  • the implementation of the key skills strategy
  • the use of data in curriculum areas and work-based learning.

2002 Full Inspection Report


2000 Full Inspection Report
