Middlesbrough Community Learning

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the quality of the weaker teaching so that all learners across all aspects of the provision enjoy an excellent experience.
  • Improve the retention and success rates for adults undertaking accredited qualifications.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Middlesbrough Council need to do to improve further?
  • For all learners in non-accredited provision, negotiate, agree and plan detailed learning objectives which learners need to achieve within a specific timescale. Ensure that learners’ progress and achievement of their learning objectives is clearly monitored and recorded.
  • Improve and embed initial advice and guidance by thoroughly assessing learners’ previous experience and skills so that their skill level is sufficient to benefit from the course. Ensure that all learners have a good understanding of progression opportunities.
  • Accelerate management of the pace of change so that the services staff, at all levels, are clear about the final unified structure and their roles and responsibilities within it.
  • Ensure that tutors promote equality and diversity systematically in all teaching and learning processes by using relevant examples, case studies, discussions and activities. Monitor learners’ understanding of equality and diversity to ensure that they have developed good knowledge of the area.
  • Ensure that all aspects of quality systems are implemented well so that good practice is disseminated systematically. Use the findings of quality processes, particularly observations of teaching and learning, to inform staff development activities and monitor the impact of these developments.
  • Enforce service level agreements to ensure that all subcontractors implement the agreed action plans to improve the quality of all aspects of their training.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Insufficiently robust management information system
  • Inconsistently effective recognising and recording progress and achievement system
  • Some insufficient differentiation in lesson planning

2006 Re-Inspection Report


2004 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Middlesbrough Adult Education Service
  • maintain good access to learning in the community while raising the quality of accommodation
  • develop and implement an efficient and simple overall management information system
  • fully implement individual learning plans across provision
  • continue to improve the quality of teaching