North Lincolnshire Adult Education & Community Learning

2023 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Increase the number of learners accessing the new curriculum at the network of community hubs in all parts of the county, including those studying English.
  • Ensure that the proportion of hard-to-reach parents accessing family learning increases once the pandemic is officially over.
  • Ensure that all learners receive consistently helpful and motivational information, advice and guidance to encourage them to enrol on courses.

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Increase the pace at which leaders and managers address staff underperformance in order to improve rapidly the quality of teaching and increase the proportion of learners who achieve their qualifications.
  • Rapidly improve the progress that learners make towards achieving their qualifications and learning goals, by:
    • ensuring that learners are enrolled on appropriate programmes, given their existing level of skills and knowledge
    • taking swift and appropriate action when learners fall behind.
  • Significantly improve attendance by making sure that all staff have high expectations for learners’ attendance and that they take effective action when learners do not attend.
  • Revise the community learning curriculum so that it meets local needs and priorities, enables learners to develop new skills and knowledge, and is not over-reliant on courses provided solely for recreational purposes.
  • Improve leaders’ and managers’ understanding and use of data to identify weaknesses in the provision, so that they can take swift and appropriate action to make improvements.
  • Improve the evaluation of the quality of provision by ensuring that leaders and managers identify the key weaknesses and take effective action to address them.
  • Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, by:
    • ensuring that teachers accurately identify the starting points of learners and use this information to plan to meet learners’ individual needs
    • ensuring that teachers monitor closely the progress that learners make towards achieving their qualifications and learning goals
    • sharing the good practice of high-performing teachers with their colleagues.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the quality of learning targets set by tutors so that they are personalised to meet learners’ individual needs, and ensure that the most able learners are given additional targets that challenge them further.
  • Improve the low attendance on a minority of courses; ensure that managers promote the importance to learners of good attendance for learning and work.
  • Ensure that all tutors enable learners, especially those on ESOL programmes, to develop and apply their English and mathematical skills and to achieve their functional skills qualifications in these subjects.
  • Review and strengthen the procedures for collecting and collating information on the destinations of learners, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the current curriculum and plan further improvements.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Further improve outcomes and the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • ensuring all tutors use initial assessment results fully to plan activities in taught sessions that engage and challenge all learners to achieve to their full potential
    • making sure that all tutors give adequate time to the setting and monitoring of milestone targets that focus on achievement
    • defining clear learning objectives which are recorded in adequate detail
    • improving session planning so all learners experience activities that further develop their English, mathematics and functional skills
    • making better use of information and learning technology
    • improving attendance rates.
  • Maximise learners’ opportunities to achieve and improve their employability by raising attendance rates, particularly for ESOL sessions.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of leaders and managers through the better analysis and use of data to set a full range of detailed and measurable targets that lead to improvement.
  • Further improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning quality-monitoring arrangements through the production of detailed and ambitious action plans for improvement following session observations. Ensure all plans include detailed tutor guidance on how they can improve further.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does NLC need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to develop and implement strategies to improve the quality of family learning.
  • Develop the curriculum offer to include more accredited provision at appropriate levels and to expand the range of WFL provision.
  • Improve the depth and detail of information collected during initial assessment to identify accurately individual needs and abilities of learners in relation to prior skills and course learning objectives and use this information in planning teaching and learning.
  • Ensure that target setting is sufficiently challenging and individualised for each learner.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does North Lincolnshire Council need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to apply the measures already developed to accelerate the improving trend in success rates across the provision.
  • Continue applying the RARPA processes across NLC’s provision and consider applying the best practice seen within the service across all subject areas.
  • Consider using the peer review group more effectively to develop sector-specific knowledge.
  • Improve the learners’ experience when they first contact NLC. Explore good practice in delivering IAG demonstrated by other providers. Use NLC’s qualified IAG workers more effectively, ensuring that they visit classes to explain their roles to learners.
  • Use existing quality improvement processes to identify good practice across the service. Instigate a number of events to share good practice and consult with staff on ways to continue to implement these practices. Include agreed actions in the quality improvement plan.
  • Continue identifying under-performing groups and individuals; implement improvement plans to address reasons for under-performance.
  • Ensure that strategic planning leads to meaningful action plans that are understood by all staff. Involve all staff in agreeing improvement targets that are clear and measurable. Ensure that staff understand their responsibility for achieving agreed targets.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Low success rates
  • Insufficient good or better teaching and learning
  • Insufficiently thorough arrangements for the planning, monitoring and recording of individualised learning
  • Weak management of the provision
  • Underdeveloped strategy and development planning
  • Inadequate management information
  • Insufficient promotion and monitoring of equality of opportunity
  • Inadequate quality improvement

2004 Full Inspection Report