Reaseheath College

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Reaseheath College need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure learners achieve their full potential by increasing the proportion of high grades, reducing late transfers to less demanding courses, increasing the challenge in lessons and assignment work for more-able learners, providing more detailed feedback to learners on what they need to do to improve and improving the clarity of targets and actions set for learners.
  • Improve teaching and learning by increasing the rigour of the observation of teaching, ensuring action plans produced following observations include clear targets and actions on what teachers need to do to improve and monitoring the implementation of these action plans.
  • Ensure the range of the additionality and enrichment offer meets the needs of all learners, enrolments on additional qualifications are recorded in a timely way and outcomes are monitored.
  • More accurately judge learners’ outcomes and the quality of provision by ensuring success rates are recorded accurately.
  • Improve the measures to judge the impact of activities which aim to improve learners’ health and well-being and their contribution to the community, for example, by recording learner involvement, setting targets and monitoring progress.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • retention rates on a minority of courses
  • success rates on directly managed apprenticeships
  • the insufficient range of teaching methods used in a minority of theory lessons.

2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • consistency of assessment practice
  • low completion rates of modern apprenticeship frameworks
  • consistency of implementation of key skills
  • monitoring and review of students' progress through tutorials
  • quality of some general teaching accommodation.

2000 Full Inspection Report
