Richmond & Hillcroft Adult & Community College

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers should develop further their staff development programmes so that all tutors develop their pedagogical expertise to the same high level.
  • Tutors should ensure that learners, in particular those who will work with people who may be vulnerable, are fully aware of how to keep themselves and others safe from the dangers of extremism and radicalisation.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that they have more precise information about what learners do once they complete their course and use this to consider future curriculum development.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Monitor and analyse students’ progress more rigorously to identify any groups which are at risk of not completing or achieving their qualification, taking prompt action to reduce underachievement.
  • Ensure that all teaching staff use the outcomes of the initial assessment of students’ needs consistently and effectively to inform target setting and planning for individual and group learning. Make sure that relevant information about students’ needs is shared on a systematic basis between teachers and course teams.
  • Further develop the scheme to observe and evaluate teaching, learning and assessment to ensure a greater focus on learning and assessment.
  • Ensure that the recently developed and comprehensive action plan to improve the monitoring and development of equality and diversity within the college is fully and effectively implemented, particularly ensuring that all teachers give full consideration to the promotion of equality and diversity in planning learning and in all teaching sessions.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Bring together appraisal, observation of teaching and learning and course review systems into a cohesive process that allows managers and tutors to identify and deal with issues at an earlier stage.
  • Implement a data system that enables managers and tutors to monitor trends in retention, achievement, success and attendance rates and the impact of quality improvement initiatives.
  • Identify why some groups achieve less well and set actions to improve their retention and achievement rates.
  • Devise a mechanism for gathering and analysing meaningful progression data for all learners.
  • Work with tutors to develop the quality of individual learning plans, targets and written feedback to learners so they are clear about what they need to improve and how they can achieve their maximum potential.
  • Provide better opportunities to recognise, and where appropriate accredit, learners’ functional skills learning. Review the current courses offered for information and communication technology (ICT) at intermediate level 2, GCSE mathematics and English to ensure they meet learners’ needs sufficiently

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Hillcroft College need to do to improve further?
  • Strengthen the use of data in analysing trends in progression, success and learner satisfaction rates and the impact of all quality improvement initiatives.
  • Improve overall success rates on some accredited courses through setting and monitoring targets with curriculum managers.
  • More fully use all the contextual information that teachers collect about learners to better plan for the needs of individuals during lessons, particularly learners who are more able or less confident.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Key Challenges for Hillcroft College
  • maintain the good strategic direction
  • continue to improve retention and achievement
  • complete the overall co-ordination of support services to fully support all aspects of the learner’s journey
  • improve planning to meet individual needs in ESOL and literacy classes
  • further develop accreditation opportunities
  • extend enrichment opportunities

2003 Full Inspection Report
Other Improvements Needed
  • more systematic development of recruitment practices
  • more systematic development of recruitment practices
  • better planning for observation of learning
  • greater reference to gender-specific issues in course content
  • further development of distance learning and support strategies
  • more monitoring of learning in the classroom
  • more effective marketing