Saint Brendan's Sixth Form College

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the proportion of students who achieve high grades at A level through a range of teaching strategies. These should include: using more appropriate extension activities to meet the needs of able students; making more effective use of assessment to promote high achievement and sharing the insights of teachers in subjects where students do achieve a high proportion of grades A*to B.
  • Review the use of information and learning technology (ILT) in lessons. Use existing expertise to promote more innovative and imaginative use of new technology throughout the college, where appropriate.
  • Review the curriculum offered to students. Specifically, evaluate the number of subjects and examinations taken by most second-year students in order to ensure that this is not having a negative effect on students’ achievement of high grades at A level.
  • Improve data management. Ensure that the college complies fully with all the funding agency rules for the accurate return of student data so that all stakeholders are absolutely clear about the performance of the college.
  • Strengthen self-assessment and quality assurance procedures through ensuring that an agreed set of relevant data is used throughout the college to judge the effectiveness of provision. Use the analysis of these data to make clear judgements and formulate action plans, with precise and carefully monitored targets, designed to improve provision further.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does St Brendan’s Sixth Form College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve poorer success rates for AS level and for students aged 19 and over through better analysis of outcomes and the use of national benchmark data to help establish priorities and set realistic targets for improvement.
  • Build on recent progress in improving the use of management information systems, by training managers to analyse and use performance data, now available through newly installed software.
  • Train staff in making critical self-assessment judgements, particularly on course performance.
  • Further meet the individual learning targets of students in lessons, by helping teachers to understand the importance of planning their teaching to facilitate this.
  • Improve target setting for students by making good use of the better practice within the college and by formalising links between teachers and tutors.
  • Devise a strategy and action plans for further promoting equality and diversity, including the analysis of the performance of different student groups, and further implement action plans to address any achievement gaps.
  • Agree and implement a strategy for the effective development and delivery of key skills.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • teaching methods in relation to individual learning needs
  • effective identification of individual learning needs
  • key skills provision and accreditation
  • increasing employer engagement.

2003 Re-Inspection Report


2001 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved?
  • retention rates, particularly on vocational courses
  • attendance and punctuality of students
  • effectiveness of the management information system
  • communications between teachers and senior managers
  • aspects of curriculum management including the understanding, analysis and use of value added information
  • teaching methods in relation to individuals' learning needs
  • opportunities for students to take full advantage of enrichment activities
  • key skills provision.