Sandwell Adult & Family Learning Service

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the minority of teaching and learning which are not yet good by:
    • ensuring that all teachers adapt their learning activities to meet the needs of learners; in particular those with learning difficulties and disabilities, those who speak English as an additional language, and the most able learners
    • identifying existing good practice, and sharing this knowledge, skill and understanding with teachers so that there is improved consistency, and more learners progress well.
  • Improve the management information systems, so that managers receive timely information about the attendance, retention and progress of current learners to enable them to take prompt action to identify and rectify underperformance by groups of learners.
  • Further improve the outcomes of learners on mathematics functional skills level 1 courses by continuing the current management strategy of recruiting, training and closely managing the performance of teaching staff in this area.
  • Broaden and extend learners’ understanding of the dangers of radicalisation and extremism by:
    • improving the confidence and knowledge of teachers so that they are able to discuss with learners the different aspects of radicalisation and extremism
    • ensuring that learners have more opportunities to express their understanding of the different forms of extremism as it affects their local community.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that staff maintain accurate records of learners’ progress, and that individual learning plans meet funding body requirements to avoid future service disruption.
  • Ensure recent changes instigated by managers are evaluated for their effectiveness by:
    • reviewing subcontracting arrangements
    • capturing data to ensure that learners are attending regularly, are punctual and are progressing from their courses to positive destinations.
  • Complete the ‘Prevent’ duty staff training and development programme to ensure that all tutors are able to promote British values and enable learners to know how to protect themselves from the risks of radicalisation.
  • Monitor the success of all learners on accredited programmes and take action to ensure that all groups of learners achieve as well as each other.
  • Share best practice internally to ensure that individual targets for all learners are of a consistently high quality; and ensure that tutors use targets well to plan individual learning and to measure learners’ progress on their course.
  • Ensure that tutors improve the level and standard of their written feedback on learners’ work and progress, so that learners are clear on how they can improve their performance and standard of work.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does SAFL need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that actions are taken to address achievement gaps between some learner groups so that all learners achieve their potential.
  • Ensure all policies and procedures of SAFL are assessed for their impact on equality and diversity by completing work that has commenced.
  • Improve the commentary in the self-assessment report by ensuring graded areas and strengths and areas for improvement are clearly presented to ensure clarity and secure improvements.
  • Ensure that the outcomes of teaching and learning observation are analysed and used to inform service wide training to improve the proportion of good teaching and enhance learning.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council
  • improve the use of data
  • further improve teaching and learning
  • increase the promotion of equality and diversity within the curriculum
  • further identify progression routes, within courses and across the area
  • analyse the effect of widening participation to further develop the service
  • further develop monitoring and target-setting to support learners’ progress and achievement 
  • further develop and establish literacy and numeracy training

2004 Re-Inspection Report


2003 Full Inspection Report
