Shipley College

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Increase the success rates on the few underperforming college-based courses and in functional-skills qualifications. Raise the proportion of A* to C grades in GCSE in English and mathematics.
  • Ensure that all teaching and learning, in all subjects and during review weeks, are of a consistently high standard and challenge all students.
  • Be more consistent in setting more challenging and aspirational targets for students to ensure that they make even better progress.
  • Ensure that learning support assistants are deployed to classes where they are most needed and that they are used to maximum effect to benefit students.
  • Ensure that governors have the skills and knowledge to be able to challenge more rigorously areas of students’ achievement and teaching and learning.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Shipley College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve those success rates which are below national averages by ensuring that thorough analysis of data leads to detailed action plans, which are rigorously monitored to check their impact.
  • Accelerate improvements in the quality of teaching and learning by developing closer and more effective links between lesson observations, professional development and performance management.
  • Implement systematic cross-college processes for communicating the progress of learners aged 16 to 18 to their parents, guardians and carers.
  • Continue to develop the skills of self-assessment using timely and accurate management information to identify precisely the causes of underperformance and to embed the use of targets more effectively.
  • Develop fully the mechanisms for judging the impact of actions to bring about improvements and ensure these are implemented effectively across all areas.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The College should address

  • the low success rate for 16-18 learners at level 3 in 2004-05
  • the low framework achievement in work-based learning
  • the need to improve the quality of teaching and learning in foundation for learning and life
  • the insufficiently thorough implementation of quality assurance in some areas

2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • the accuracy of centrally held data for monitoring performance
  • some unimaginative teaching
  • students' retention rates on many courses
  • the consistency of quality assurance processes to secure improvements
  • the co-ordination of basic skills provision.