Stockton Riverside College of Further Education

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Continue the sustained improvements that have already been made to the success rates for functional skills English and mathematics qualifications.
  • Analyse data in greater depth to identify where learners should be achieving better grades and intervene swiftly to improve performance.
  • Increase the thoroughness of progress monitoring for learners to ensure that targets are challenging and that learners know what they need to do to succeed and are supported to achieve their full potential.
  • Ensure that all managers identify and are familiar with key headline data and targets relevant to the provision that they manage.
  • Provide more support to enable teachers to challenge poor behaviour or inappropriate use of language. Ensure that the diversity within the community is celebrated more routinely and consistently well in teaching sessions.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve success rates, focusing on underperforming areas, by consolidating the quality assurance processes in these areas.
  • Make sure best practice is shared more effectively across the college by giving the better teachers the opportunity to showcase their talents, to support the improvement of all teaching.
  • Ensure all teachers pay closer attention to how individuals learn most effectively and that they use this information to plan activities to stretch and challenge all learners.
  • Help learners make better progress through improving individual learning plans so that they have clear and focused targets to measure progress and key points for development.
  • Raise the profile of functional skills in English and mathematics across the whole college and place a much stronger emphasis on its management and development for all learners, so that they can apply these skills more effectively in their subjects and vocational areas.
  • Governors, leaders and managers should ensure the strategic direction remains focused on improving teaching, learning and assessment, and learners’ outcomes, so that the college improves at a sufficiently fast pace.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Stockton Riverside College need to do to improve further?
  • Analyse, evaluate and improve further the current developments in recording recruitment and vetting checks and for staff training, drawing on national guidance and best practice.
  • Continue to improve the quality of reports to governors to ensure that they can rigorously challenge the performance of senior managers. Implement plans to improve computer software to provide more widely available management information. Improve the format, content and use of exception reports at all levels of the college.
  • Ensure that all new staff receive safeguarding training as a priority early in their induction to the college.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Stockton Riverside College need to do to improve further?
  • Develop and implement appropriate actions to ensure that success rates continue to improve, particularly on Skills for Life courses. Monitor and evaluate the impact of current strategies to improve retention.
  • Encourage more learners to participate in enrichment activities.
  • Maintain the momentum in improvements to tutorial provision by ensuring that the revised code of practice is implemented consistently.
  • Develop and implement a systematic approach to collecting and using employers’ views about the quality of the provision.
  • Provide governors with reports on the implementation of the college’s arrangements for safeguarding so that they are able to fulfil their statutory duties. These should include the analysis and evaluation of exception reports so that governors can challenge senior managers and monitor performance robustly.
  • Revise policies and procedures and codes of practice to ensure that the college achieves its objective that all staff required to hold Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks do so from the start of their employment at the college. Ensure that all staff receive appropriate training and that accurate records are kept to ensure that the college can monitor compliance in this area.
  • Improve arrangements for quality assurance to ensure that the underlying causes of lower performance are clearly identified and addressed.
  • Ensure that all observations of teaching and learning result in an action plan that supports teachers to continue to improve.
  • Take action to improve the college’s financial position. Control expenditure rather than relying on future assumed income streams.

2006 Full Inspection Report
The college should address
  • weak monitoring retention in key skills
  • insufficient use of teaching observations to inform staff appraisal and to disseminate good practice
  • low recruitment to provision in work-based learning
  • ineffective arrangements for identifying the additional learning support needs and learner progress of adult learners
  • the need to increase staff training in child protection.

2001 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved?
  • rigour of course reviews and self-assessment reports
  • teachers' questioning techniques during lessons
  • management of engineering provision
  • amount of work experience provided for students
  • teaching of key skills.