Stratford-upon-Avon College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders, managers, and governors must improve the oversight of safeguarding by:
    • ensuring that designated safeguarding leads and officers undertake training to enable them to record and monitor incidents accurately
    • improving the training for staff to ensure they all use the central system to report and raise concerns consistently.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that all teachers and assessors accurately assess learners’ starting points and use this information to inform their teaching  Leaders and managers should ensure that teachers and assessors provide sufficient feedback to enable learners to achieve to the level of which they are capable
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that attendance in a few subjects, including English and mathematics, improves.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that planning for learning consistently and fully meets the needs of individual learners; and make sure that it provides learning of an appropriate pace and level of challenge for learners of all abilities.
  • Ensure that all teachers provide precise and informative feedback to learners, which clearly explains how they can improve their work, accelerate their learning and reach their potential.
  • Review and reinforce ways of improving attendance in all subject areas, particularly on GCSE and functional English and mathematics courses, so that learners improve their skills and gain qualifications in these essential subjects.
  • Make better and more coordinated use of information about learners’ progress and destinations when evaluating the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, and the relevance and suitability of courses, to assist with the continuing improvement of the provision.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Urgently re-appraise and rectify the lesson observation process so that it provides an accurate representation of the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Ensure that observers evaluate learning and the progress that learners with diverse individual needs make, and make sure that teachers benefit from the most appropriate development and performance management arrangements to increase the quality of the learners’ experience.
  • Increase the quality and usefulness of the self-assessment process so that it is very self-critical and evaluative and that judgements are supported by clear evidence. Ensure that the consequent quality improvement action plan is challenging and implement its actions rigorously, so that the quality of provision increases.
  • Provide high-quality training, guidance and support to teachers in order that they have the skills and confidence to improve their learners’ English skills, increasing their chances of success in education, training and employment.
  • Ensure that managers determine the key factors affecting the under-performance of adults on level 2 courses and take action to increase their successful outcomes.
  • Increase the challenges that level 3 learners experience, including those who are more able, so that far more of them are inspired and motivated to make at least the progress expected of them, given their previous attainment.
  • Develop and implement cross-college strategies to ensure that learners on 16-19 study programmes experience meaningful careers advice and guidance and suitable individualised work experience so that they have a greater understanding and experience of employment related to their area of study and their interests.
  • Check that all teachers know the results of their learners’ initial and diagnostic tests and plan their lessons accordingly to meet their needs. Increase teachers’ skills in devising learning activities that each learner finds appropriately challenging, and in checking learning though questioning and assessment.
  • Apply the good practice in tracking and monitoring learners’ progress that exists in certain areas of the college to the other parts, so that staff will advise and guide their learners and agree targets with them that will enable them to make progress each according to their potential.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Solihull College need to do to improve further?
  • Raise the achievement of learners aged 16-18, particularly for those on foundation and intermediate level courses, by developing their literacy, numeracy and IT skills further and ensuring that teaching and learning activities cater for the needs of all learners.
  • Establish a consistently good standard of target setting for all learners, through staff training and the sharing of good practice. Ensure that targets in individual learning plans challenge learners sufficiently and help them to understand what they need to do make the progress they are capable of.
  • Improve the accuracy and rigour of self-assessment, especially with regard to the quality of teaching, by ensuring full consideration is given to the impact any identified weaknesses have on learning, the learner experience or learner outcomes.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • short term target setting for learners
  • achievement rates for key skills
  • numeracy support for those identified as needing it
  • learner punctuality
  • further improvement of success rates.

2003 Re-Inspection Report


2001 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • students' achievements in a minority of areas
  • poor attendance and punctuality
  • inconsistent tutorial provision
  • poor teaching in the unsatisfactory curriculum areas
  • sharing of best practice among staff across the college
  • quality assurance arrangements
  • appropriateness of some room allocations.

2001 Re-Inspection Report
