University College Birmingham

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that the improved focus on developing students’ English and mathematics skills results in more students achieving well in their GCSE mathematics examinations.
  • Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, including in mathematics, by:
    • using the detailed assessment information on students’ starting points and skills to target improvement on their areas of weakness in planning learning
    • creating more opportunities for students to receive sharply focused help to increase their pace of progress
    • making more effective use of the good practice available in a few areas to increase all tutors’ skills in delivering more individualised learning for students
    • ensuring that all teachers reinforce and consolidate learning by checking students’ understanding in lessons.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does UCB need to do to improve further?
  • Promote better success rates for intermediate 16-18 year old students by targeting particularly those students from disadvantaged areas so that they compare favourably with the success rates of other young people.
  • Produce self-assessment reports that are evaluative, evidence based and completed promptly at the end of the academic year to which they refer.
  • Ensure all key areas for improvement are captured in the institutional level development plan, in particular those relating to teaching and learning and the differential achievement of groups of learners.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • achievement of modern apprenticeship frameworks
  • retention rates on courses that are below the national average
  • sharing of good practice between teaching teams and in particular in theory lessons o key skills pass rates.