Wandsworth Lifelong Learning

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the attendance of learners by:
    • supporting smaller providers to develop strategies to improve learners’ attendance
    • setting ambitious targets for the attendance of learners
    • monitoring the effectiveness of these arrangements closely.
  • Increase the availability of accredited English and mathematics courses to learners by utilising funding so that qualifications offered are more closely aligned with the learners’ aspirations to gain employment.
  • Build the capacity of tutors through training, staff development and extending the resources available to them so that they are confident in promoting British values and improving learners’ understanding of radicalisation and extremism.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Rapidly improve safeguarding arrangements to ensure that young people and vulnerable adults are safe. Conduct appropriate risk assessments for all staff and learners working with young people and vulnerable adults. Establish and maintain a central record of risk assessments and the outcomes of disclosure and barring checks. Systematically carry out risk assessments of subcontractors and employers, and take appropriate action to reduce the risk of harm to young people and vulnerable adults. Monitor more closely compliance with safeguarding training requirements, keep a record of training that is carried out, and provide additional training where needed.
  • Manage the performance of subcontracting providers closely in order to identify any underperformance early, and take swift action to improve the quality of provision where necessary.
  • Evaluate teachers’ performance accurately and ensure that improvement actions are identified and implemented quickly.
  • Increase the proportion of apprentices who successfully complete their programmes within the planned time by:
    • providing detailed and helpful initial information, advice and guidance to new apprentices on the requirements of the programme
    • monitoring learners’ progress towards challenging targets more rigorously, and taking action swiftly to improve progress where needed
    • providing detailed and accurate feedback to apprentices on how they can improve further and use their knowledge and skills in the workplace.
  • Provide effective support to enable all learners and apprentices to improve their English and mathematics skills by:
    • ensuring that apprentices understand the importance of English and mathematics skills in the workplace
    • ensuring that apprentices make rapid progress in improving their English and mathematics skills and gain appropriate qualifications before their planned end date
    • enabling a much higher proportion of learners, particularly on ESOL courses, to gain appropriate qualifications.
  • Put in place a robust process for gathering and analysing data on learners’ success in achieving their learning goals on community learning courses that do not lead to qualifications.
  • Systematically gather and analyse learners’ destination data to evaluate the impact of learners’ achievement on their future employment, training and education.
  • Increase the scrutiny of the performance of the service by council members.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Wandsworth Council Lifelong Learning need to do to improve further?
  • Strengthen the assessment and monitoring of learners’ progress by ensuring that specific, measurable achievement targets are agreed with all learners.
  • Enliven teaching and learning by extending the use of ILT in all subject areas and developing the virtual learning environment for tutors and learners.
  • Improve teaching and learning further by ensuring equality and diversity issues are promoted more regularly in all subjects.
  • Increase the value and benefit of provision to learners by increasing the opportunities to gain formal accreditation where appropriate.
  • Extend the options for learners to progress to higher level programmes where appropriate and improve the collation and analysis of learners’ destination data when they complete programmes.

2007 Re-Inspection Report


2006 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Wandsworth LEAS
  • develop more effective curriculum management measures across all areas
  • deal effectively with inadequate provision
  • maintain the very good initiatives to widen participation across the borough
  • further develop measures for sharing good practice across providers
  • ensure that individual learning plans are used effectively on all courses

2003 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Wandsworth Borough Council
  • more effective individual progress reviews
  • better use of data to benefit learners
  • more key skills delivery and development
  • more progression opportunities
  • further development of alternative teaching and learning practice

1999 Full Inspection Report
