Winstanley College

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Review the quality and appropriateness of the advice and guidance for students who transfer to the mixed programme or to one-year A-level courses to ensure that students understand fully what is involved and the opportunities available to them when they leave the college.
  • Ensure that teachers on vocational courses have sufficient opportunities to gain appropriate industrial updates that provide them with current and accurate information and industry examples that inform the content of what they teach.
  • Ensure that actions to improve the very few underperforming A-level courses raise standards in these subjects rapidly to ensure that students on these courses receive a high quality of education.
  • Increase the proportion of students who take part in work experience relevant to their career ambitions to ensure that they understand fully what they are working towards and whether it meets their expectations.
  • Ensure that leaders and managers provide clear information to students so that they fully understand British values and the dangers posed by those with radical and extremist views where they live.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • aspects of accommodation.

2004 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • cramped accommodation in a few areas
  • some aspects of adult education.