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Christ the King Sixth Form College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Improve the proportion of learners who achieve high grades in A-level subjects by:
    • ensuring that when teachers review learners’ progress against their target grades, they make clear to learners precisely the skills and knowledge they need to further improve on to make good progress
    • ensuring that when teachers monitor learners’ progress in lessons, they focus carefully on the extent to which learners improve incrementally their subject knowledge and understanding
    • ensuring that teachers set work in lessons that is suitably complex, especially on second-year academic programmes.
  • Leaders and managers need to ensure that learners make good progress in developing the mathematical skills, knowledge and technical language they need to achieve at least a grade C in GCSE examinations.
  • Leaders and managers need to evaluate the quality of provision more accurately across all subjects, and implement action plans that have precise and measurable success criteria, in order to eradicate the remaining areas of underperformance.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Christ the King Sixth Form College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve students’ success rates in lower performing subjects through consistently good teaching and learning. Improve the consistency of judgements made by observers as part of the lesson observation process. Monitor observation records and action plans for improvement to ensure they are all specific and well focused.
  • Improve the quality of lessons by sharing good practice between staff more effectively. Ensure that lessons meet the individual needs of students by using strategies that enhance learning for a range of abilities including the engagement of students actively throughout lessons.
  • Improve the usefulness of some course reviews by ensuring that they are sufficiently self-critical.

2005 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • The accreditation of key skills qualifications
  • The quality of provision in a small minority of subjects
  • Consistency of delivery of group tutorials

Report Recommendations