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Kent Adult Education Service

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers should improve the number of apprentices who complete their apprenticeship in a timely manner.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that tutors improve the standards of learners’ written English and increase their understanding of mathematics in their chosen course.
  • Tutors should ensure that they use an appropriate range of teaching and assessment strategies, providing opportunities for learners to recall topics and improve the retention of their new knowledge and its application to their learning or workplace activities.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Raise the standard of teaching, learning and assessment by ensuring that tutors use effective classroom strategies, including more accurate target setting, to stretch the most capable learners and speed up learners’ progress.
  • Ensure tutors have the skills and confidence they need to routinely raise learners’ awareness of fundamental British values and the risks of extremism.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Kent Community Learning and Skills need to do to improve further?
  • Drive up the proportion of lessons that are outstanding, through better identifying and sharing good practice.
  • Develop appropriate progression routes and promote these effectively to learners.
  • Involve a wider range of stakeholders in the self-assessment process to ensure the judgements reflect their views.
  • Integrate more widely equality and diversity within the curriculum, ensuring its relevance to the subject being taught and raising learner awareness.

2006 Re-Inspection Report


2005 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for Kent LEA
  • to improve teaching and learning in many areas
  • to improve participation by under-represented groups
  • to strengthen initial assessment and the monitoring of learner progress
  • to promote a better understanding of inclusion and equality of opportunity by staff
  • to make more effective use of accurate and reliable data
  • to accelerate the process of quality improvement
  • to develop better sharing of good practice

Report Recommendations