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West London College

2023 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders must improve the quality of education across the provision. They must ensure that all programmes are sufficiently challenging for learners and that the quality of teaching and assessment is improved, so that a greater proportion of learners and apprentices stay on their programmes and go on to make good progress.
  • Leaders must ensure that there is a more rigorous focus on improving learners’ attendance, so that a higher proportion of learners develop this vital skill for employment.
  • Leaders must ensure that learners and apprentices receive high-quality feedback on work and in progress reviews that helps them to know how to improve their work.
  • Leaders need to expand the personal development curriculum, so that learners develop their wider knowledge, talents and interests. Within this, leaders should ensure that learners remember what they have been taught about the dangers of radicalisation and extremism. Learners should be fully informed about the opportunities available to them at the end of their programme.
  • Leaders need to ensure that on education programmes for young people, they have sufficient staff to teach the courses, and suitable contingency plans in place where staff are absent, so that lessons are not disrupted and learners have a more consistent and stable learning experience, so that they can make good progress.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • To further improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment to the highest level, managers must continue to work closely with their teachers to ensure that they fully use the positive techniques and skills learned in their extensive professional development, building on the good practice of many of their colleagues.
  • To improve the quality of apprenticeship training, and to improve apprentices’ outcomes, leaders and managers must fully implement their agreed management changes and improvement strategies for this provision, improving target setting and progress reviews in particular.
  • Leaders and managers should continue to implement their well-conceived strategies to further improve the quality of teaching and learning in mathematics and English, and to increase the proportion of learners achieving a grade C or above at GCSE in these subjects.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Tutors should provide all learners and apprentices with precise targets that take into account their starting points, future career and education aims. Teachers and assessors should use these targets with learners and apprentices to raise their aspirations and support them to achieve their full potential.
  • Teachers and assessors should ensure that learners and apprentices receive timely and detailed feedback on marked work to help them to improve their work and to make more rapid progress.
  • Teachers and assessors should use all the information available to them about learners’ and apprentices’ prior attainment and levels of skills and knowledge to plan learning that enables them all to make good or better progress, especially the most able.
  • On English and mathematics qualifications, teachers should use a wider range of strategies and resources to maintain learners’ and apprentices’ interest in the subjects and help them to apply the skills they learn to their academic, vocational and apprenticeship courses.
  • Managers should monitor the performance of all learners and apprentices rigorously and ensure that those who fall behind with their studies rapidly receive support to help them catch up. Leaders and managers should maintain a strong focus on improving teaching, learning and assessment and ensure that their well-considered quality improvement plans to raise the level of learner achievement are implemented swiftly and fully.
  • Tutors should ensure that those learners who do not attend their lessons are challenged about their nonattendance and are supported effectively to overcome any difficulties they may have that impede their ability to attend and learn well.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Complete the process of consolidating the senior leadership team and board of governors; ensure appropriate targeted strategies are in place to raise the quality of provision and establish the college on a strong strategic and financial footing.
  • Identify why there are such significant discrepancies between the outcomes for different groups of learners, both in classroom-based and workplace provision, and why learners are not making the expected progress relative to their starting point; use this analysis and insight to develop suitable strategies to raise standards.
  • Increase the focus on strategies to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • identifying those subject areas and teachers most in need of improvement
    • sharing best practice more widely across the college
    • creating greater consistency, particularly in the quality of lesson planning, checking of learning, quality of target setting and the frequency and detail of progress reviews.
  • Increase the expectation on learners of regular attendance and good punctuality; ensure staff provide sufficient challenge to learners to establish and embed this culture.
  • Increase the objectivity of self-assessment and quality improvement action planning, and engage all staff more fully in owning and contributing to the improvement culture.
  • Ensure all staff focus sufficiently on the development of learners' literacy and numeracy.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve pass and attendance rates, especially for learners aged 16 to 18 on intermediate and advanced level courses, by ensuring that the literacy, numeracy and other additional needs of learners are assessed early and appropriate support is made available promptly.
  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning by ensuring that all learners are involved in appropriately demanding activities and procedures for evaluating the quality of lessons are accurate and consistent.
  • Ensure that all learners progress to their full potential by making sure that individual learning plans are consistently well focused on developing learners’ subject and personal skills through specific and measurable targets.
  • Improve the quality and consistency of all action plans and targets emerging from self-assessment and other management procedures, by providing more training and support for curriculum teams.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • pass rates on some courses including key skills
  • retention rates on some courses
  • inconsistencies in the quality of individual learning plans.
  • inadequate teaching in a few areas
  • work experience opportunities
  • support for part-time learners.

2004 Full Inspection Report
Missing File

2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • retention and pass rates on some courses
  • management and co-ordination of some provision
  • teaching and learning on some courses
  • take-up of learning support
  • support for ESOL students on some mainstream courses
  • development of students' key skills
  • opportunities for students to undertake work experience
  • students' punctuality and attendance on many courses
  • guidance of some students on to appropriate courses
  • access and facilities in some locations for students with physical disabilities
  • standard of accommodation on some sites
  • quality assurance
  • unsatisfactory provision in engineering.

2001 Full Inspection Report


Report Recommendations