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Shooters Hill Sixth Form College

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Increase the proportion of students who take part in work experience related to the subjects they study and to their career aims.
  • Teachers should teach students more about the importance of how British values relate to their lives and living in London.
  • Teachers should use strategies to check that students are learning and building their knowledge in a subject. Where students are not doing this, teachers should ensure that they adapt their lessons so that all students are learning.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers should improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by:
    • ensuring that students understand the learning objectives of lessons and check progress against them during and at the end of lessons
    • ensuring that students develop appropriate study skills that enable them to consolidate and recall their learning and be prepared for future lessons
    • ensuring that teachers make clear their expectations of learning support assistants so that students are supported well and make the progress of which they are capable.
  • Leaders and managers should improve English and mathematics teaching to ensure that students make good progress and achieve their qualifications.
  • Teachers should ensure that students improve their punctuality and arrive at lessons motivated and ready to learn.
  • Managers should ensure that more students on study programmes develop appropriate work-related skills through an individualised approach to work-related learning and meaningful, external work experience.
  • Managers should ensure that more students benefit from high-quality, impartial careers advice to inform their future career aims and aspirations.

2015 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve teaching, learning and assessment, so that pupils make consistently good or better progress, by:
    • ensuring that all teachers have the highest expectations of what pupils can achieve, and that they demonstrate this by setting high standards of attendance, punctuality and readiness to learn in all lessons
    • ensuring that all teachers provide work that is both interesting and demanding for pupils of all abilities, both in and out of lessons
    • checking that pupils on all courses are doing an appropriate amount of independent study, that their files of notes are checked frequently, and that they receive helpful feedback on their work and progress
    • evaluating the quality of teaching by focusing on the depth and pace of pupils’ learning, rather than on compliance with the basic processes of planning and delivery.
  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning in English and mathematics at level 2 and below by identifying and sharing the good practice that exists both within the academy and externally, and by reviewing the allocation of teachers to these courses.
  • Increase the proportion of pupils on study programmes who have meaningful, external work experience that links closely to their programme at the academy.
  • Revise quality assurance and self-assessment processes so that they are less bureaucratic and time-consuming, and result in a sharp critique of the strengths and areas for improvement of different aspects of the academy’s provision. Prioritise clearly the key actions for improvement arising from self-evaluation.
  • Governors and leaders should focus on raising standards further, while at the same time setting a clear strategic direction for the future of the academy, including the design of its curriculum, in discussion with external stakeholders.

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Raise levels of attendance overall and especially in English and mathematics at GCSE level and below. Devise well-considered actions to improve attendance and motivate students more in lessons.
  • Make teaching, learning and assessment more effective by:
    • ensuring that all teachers use information on students to plan and teach lessons which meet the full range of students’ capabilities
    • ensuring feedback to students is more specific and meaningful to them
    • training teachers in how to promote and teach understanding of equality and appreciation of diversity in lessons.
  • Ensure that the process of self-assessment contributes more effectively to improving teaching, learning and assessment. Train managers to use the data on students’ outcomes more insightfully and effectively at course and curriculum level to improve teaching.
  • Review the process for observing teaching, learning and assessment to ensure that this improves teaching more swiftly.

2009 Full Inspection Report
What does the school need to do to improve further?
  • More effectively monitor teaching and learning in order to identify areas for improvement through:
    • robust monitoring of teachers' lesson planning and the tracking of students' progress in and across lessons
    • embedding effective use of the resulting assessment information within all learning environments.
  • Share existing best practice across the campus so that student benefit from a balance of good and the outstanding teaching.

2006 Full Inspection Report
What the school should do to improve further
  • Improve the use made by teachers of assessments to target work and resources on individuals and groups of students
  • Ensure that there are rigorous evaluations and plans for improvement for all subject areas

Report Recommendations