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Suffolk New College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Ensure that staff communicate effectively with employers throughout the apprenticeship programme so that they know the progress that apprentices are making and can support them to achieve within the planned timescales.
  • Make sure that the quality of teaching in mathematics is of a consistently high standard so that the proportion of learners achieving their qualifications improves.
  • Improve learners and apprentices’ attendance in English and mathematics lessons in line with college expectations.
  • Increase the contribution employers make to the planning, development and teaching of the curriculum, in particular in electrical installation and childcare programmes, so that the taught curriculum meets the specific needs of these sectors.

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers need to significantly improve the proportion of learners who gain mathematics GCSE grades 9 to 4 and functional skills qualifications. Teachers need to ensure that learners develop vocationally relevant numeracy skills to help them gain and sustain employment.
  • Teachers need to accurately assess the prior skills and knowledge of learners with high needs. They need to identify how learners can live more independently and provide an appropriate curriculum to help them work towards their career goals.
  • Teachers need to ensure that learners understand how to improve the quality of their work. Teachers need to use assessment feedback to inform how they plan and sequence learning activities to ensure that learners remember more over time.
  • Leaders need to accurately review the quality of provision to identify key areas for improvement. They need to ensure that the interventions managers make are effective in making rapid improvement.
  • Leaders and managers need to ensure that learners and apprentices apply their knowledge of radicalisation and extremism effectively to their daily lives. They need to help learners understand how to recognise and deal with the local issues that could have an impact on their personal safety.

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers should ensure they continue to further improve teaching, learning and assessment across all provision by making sure that:
    • teachers plan more challenging activities, particularly for the most able students and for adult students, so they develop higher-order skills and fulfil their potential
    • apprentices are taught mathematics early in their programmes so that they are supported and make good progress
    • mathematics teaching is of a consistently good quality
    • managers and staff take steps to develop

2015 Full Inspection Report

What does the provider need to do to improve further?  Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by ensuring that all teachers set high expectations of what learners can achieve, based on a clear understanding of their individual needs and prior attainment, and plan activities and tasks that motivate and challenge all learners to accelerate their progress.  Improve the quality and consistency of teachers’ written feedback so that learners know precisely what they need to do to raise the standards of their work.  Improve the teaching and promotion of English and mathematics in all aspects of the college’s provision, so that learners and apprentices develop the skills and achieve the qualifications they need to fulfil their career aspirations.  In order to speed up the rate of improvement, leaders and managers must adopt a more self-critical approach to self-assessment across the college and take greater account of learners’ and apprentices’ progress and achievements when judging the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.  Managers should provide further training to observers of teachers’ and assessors’ practice so that they are all appropriately skilled and able to make accurate judgements of the quality of teaching, learning and assessment.  Managers should identify precise targets within their planning in order to be able to measure the impact of improvement actions on learners’ and apprentices’ progress and quicken the pace of required change.

2013 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Teachers should plan their lessons more carefully so that they challenge all students to make rapid progress.
  • Teachers need to provide more individualised support to ensure that students are able to succeed in their functional skills examinations.
  • Teachers must ensure that the quality of the written feedback that they give to students matches the quality of their more effective verbal feedback.
  • Senior managers should ensure they urgently implement action plans to bring about improvements in under-performing subject areas.
  • Managers should improve the rigour of self-assessment by giving equal prominence to evidence from aspects of teaching, learning and assessment other than the outcomes of observations of lessons.
  • Managers must ensure that students on the study programme receive their full entitlement to mathematic

2009 Full Inspection Report
What does Suffolk New College need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure all aspects of the college’s work are monitored and evaluated sufficiently, including additional learning support, tutorial and the promotion of healthy lifestyles, by making sure plans and targets focus sharply on all the college’s work, show targets for achievement and identify clear responsibilities and timescales to allow improved monitoring by senior managers and the governing body.
  • Strengthen the promotion of equality and diversity through the curriculum by using sharper targets within action plans to emphasise the promotion of equality and diversity in the curriculum and providing more thorough analysis of performance by different groups, including incorporating a broader range of students within the analysis, such as more vulnerable groups
  • Broaden the curriculum for employment-based learners by involving employers in developing programmes of study and promoting the use of work experience to support and improve students’ employment prospects. Ensure that the views of employers are reflected more fully in the development of the college's provision.
  • Reduce the proportion of less successful theory lessons by improving the quality of lesson planning and sharing good practice more effectively.
  • Improve the progress made by students on vocational programmes by continuing to closely monitor the value added data for these courses, improving the value of individual learning plans and individual targets and by ensuring targets are more closely focused on developing students’ learning.

2006 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement The college should address:
  • success rates for 16 to 18 year olds on GCE A-level courses
  • framework completion by work-based learners
  • target setting and the monitoring of performance in curriculum areas
  • monitoring of additional learning support
  • the management and delivery of key skills
  • the implementation of the skills for life strategy
  • access for learners with impaired mobility.

2002 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved
  • the unsatisfactory teaching in some curriculum areas
  • inadequate IT resources
  • insufficient additional learning support for some students
  • insufficient sharing of good practice between curriculum areas
  • unsatisfactory management and quality assurance in a few curriculum areas.

Report Recommendations