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Lincoln College

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve learners’ attendance rates across the college by rigorously evaluating the impact of new initiatives aimed at raising attendance rates.
  • Ensure that governors, leaders and managers work more effectively with wider staff teams within the college to form and implement clear plans to sustain improvements to learners’ progress.
  • Ensure that all assessors use the information from apprentices’ starting points to help apprentices rapidly develop new skills and knowledge and complete their qualifications within planned timescales.

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Extend the range, quality and availability of management information so that managers at all levels of the organisation are able to successfully monitor and improve the quality of programmes.
  • Improve the effectiveness of lesson observation processes so that all observers link their observations to a good range of learner progress and performance data, and make evaluative judgements that managers use effectively to improve the skills of individual teachers.
  • Provide training and support to teachers of 16 to 19 study programmes so that they:
    • recognise the potential of each learner
    • set clear and demanding targets for each individual learner
    • provide teaching and learning that matches the needs of individual learners and helps them to achieve their full potential
    • support learners to progress to higher-level programmes including apprenticeships and university courses.
  • Provide training and support for teachers of apprenticeships and 16 to 19 study programmes so that they are able to:
    • incorporate English and mathematics topics successfully within their lessons
    • help learners and apprentices to extend their skills and apply them in a vocational context
    • monitor closely the effectiveness of this work and intervene when it is not successful.
  • Implement a clear approach to improving attendance at lessons, especially for English and mathematics, to help all learners make good progress.
  • Ensure that all learners can further develop their work-related skills through participation in appropriately challenging work experience.

2011 Full Inspection Report
What does Lincoln College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the success rates on work-based provision by ensuring that targets are sufficiently challenging and simplifying the systems used to track their progress.
  • Increase subject specific support on advanced level courses and make more effective use of target setting and monitoring systems in order to increase the proportion of high grades that learners achieve.
  • Extend the use of ILT and e-learning, including the effective use of the college’s virtual learning environment (VLE) by providing further training in the use of new technology and sharing good practice between subject areas more effectively.
  • Improve the quality of group tutorials by undertaking a detailed analysis of the evidence from observations and producing a summary evaluation to inform improvement planning. Include the observation of learning support assistants in lesson observation arrangements.

2007 Full Inspection Report
Areas for improvement

The college should address:

  • the need to continue to improve success rates on long courses.

2005 Re-Inspection Report


2003 Full Inspection Report
What should be improved?
  • poor access for students with restricted mobility to some parts of the college
  • unsatisfactory organisation and delivery of key skills
  • poor management and co-ordination of work-based learning
  • poor achievements of students on modern apprenticeship programmes
  • use and accuracy of management information
  • monitoring the quality of teaching in some curriculum areas
  • student take-up of basic skills support.

Report Recommendations