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Community Learning in Partnership

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Improve learners’ progress and attainment particularly in mathematics by:
    • setting, recording and reviewing productive targets that are hard enough
    • providing all relevant tutors with training to enable them, where appropriate, to include the teaching of mathematics in vocational lessons
    • developing learners’ everyday arithmetic skills further to help them understand personal money matters
    • setting more complex tasks for more able learners particularly for intermediate level learners.
  • Rapidly improve attendance by:
    • putting in place thorough arrangements to follow up diligently learners who miss lessons
    • setting individual challenging but realistic incremental improvement targets to eliminate unauthorised absence
    • ensuring absent learners are not at risk during the periods when they are expected to be in lessons
    • ensuring that the initiatives to improve attendance and reduce persistent absence focus closely on those learners who are at a risk of homelessness.
  • Consolidate the recent improvements and strengthen strategic leadership by:
    • requiring the non-executive directors to set the highest expectations of the senior manager, and rigorously managing their performance to consistently raise learner’s achievement
    • strengthening arrangements to share good practice
    • replicating identified outstanding features from each centre across the provision, and
    • enhancing the self-assessment report further.

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Further improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment through more effective session planning that includes a wide variety of engaging and challenging activities, linked to detailed feedback that learners can use to improve their progress and achieve high standards.
  • Improve the effectiveness of leaders and managers by focusing their efforts on significantly increasing the pace of quality improvement activities. Ensure that managers routinely set and meet ambitious short-term targets to aid improvement performance monitoring.
  • Enhance the timeliness and effectiveness of decision making through the robust use of data to identify trends and for comparative purposes.
  • Raise the overall progression rate, and the rate learners enter work and apprenticeship training through the greater use of work placements.
  • Raise all pass rates, particularly level 1 progression and entry-level mathematics programmes by using more stimulating and engaging class sessions that are relevant to learners’ experiences.
  • Raise significantly learners’ attendance and punctuality rates through a greater emphasis on its importance for sustained employment and better monitoring and remedial action to address identified shortfalls.

2008 Full Inspection Report
Key areas for improvement
  • Arrangements for monitoring the quality of teaching and learning
  • Links with local employers

2004 Full Inspection Report
Key challenges for CG Partnership (Training Projects) Limited
  • maintain the inclusive culture
  • improve teaching and learning strategies
  • continue to work with partners to develop community provision
  • continue to develop employers
  • engagement ! make more focused use of self-assessment
  • use management information more effectively to monitor performance

Report Recommendations