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Inspection Report Recommendations

Redcar & Cleveland College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Ensure that all students with high needs are enrolled on the right programmes to meet their needs.

Reigate College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that staff review students’ education, health care plans annually and include parents and guardians in this process. Leaders and managers should set these students ambitious and specific targets to ensure they make rapid progress in their learning.
  • Leaders, managers and teachers should ensure that students know how to improve their work and make the progress of which they are capable.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that all students benefit from a period of work experience or work-related experience to help prepare them for the world of work and reinforce what they learn at college.

Richard Taunton Sixth Form College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Improve teaching and learning so that those teachers who do not yet make productive use of lesson time to teach subject knowledge and skills receive appropriate training and support to do so.
  • Ensure that all students who do not plan to go university receive timely and relevant advice and guidance about the opportunities available to them when they leave college.
  • Implement the work experience strategy so that all relevant students benefit from suitable work experience and work-related learning related to the subjects they study and to their career aims.

Richmond & Hillcroft Adult & Community College

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers should develop further their staff development programmes so that all tutors develop their pedagogical expertise to the same high level.
  • Tutors should ensure that learners, in particular those who will work with people who may be vulnerable, are fully aware of how to keep themselves and others safe from the dangers of extremism and radicalisation.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that they have more precise information about what learners do once they complete their course and use this to consider future curriculum development.

Richmond upon Thames College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders should ensure that learners and apprentices are aware of the enrichment opportunities available at the college to improve participation in these activities.
  • Leaders should ensure that teachers of mainstream subjects make consistent use of EHC plan outcomes to plan a bespoke curriculum for learners with high needs that enables learners to develop their independence and the skills they need for work and adult life.
  • In a minority of apprenticeship programmes, teachers should improve their sequencing of the curriculum to ensure apprentices develop basic knowledge before learning more-complex topics.

Riseholme College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Teachers and assessors should plan additional activities and offer extra qualifications to their most able learners on study programmes to enable them to achieve high grades; and extend apprentices’ skills beyond the expectations for competence set out in the apprenticeship qualification frameworks.
  • Managers should provide training and support to ensure that teachers and assessors are competent and confident enough to teach mathematics from entry level up to GCSE. They should also ensure that there are enough teaching staff in place to cover all taught classes, so that learners benefit from the consistency and continuity that they need to develop their skills in mathematics.
  • Managers and teachers should strengthen and widen the range of activities that they use to make learners fully aware of the risks posed by radicalisation and extremism, and increase learners’ level of understanding of these risks while they are at college.
  • Managers need to devise a range of measures in the college’s quality improvement plan so they can assess when actions have been successful.

Riverside College

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have exceptional links with local employers and regional business groups, including the local enterprise partnership and regional mayoral authorities. They collaborate with them to create a challenging curriculum designed to help learners and apprentices achieve their ambitious career goals.

Rotherham College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that the attendance and punctuality of learners and apprentices continues to improve.
  • Take action swiftly to improve curriculum areas that are not yet at the standard required by leaders.
  • Ensure that information collected about learners and apprentices at the start of their course is used by all teachers to support learners and apprentices to make rapid progress.

Royal National College for the Blind

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure that all health and safety risk-assessment documentation is up to date, by ensuring that actions taken to control risks are clearly and accurately recorded, are timebound and are reviewed regularly to ensure that risks have been effectively tackled.
  • In order to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment continuously, make sure that:
    • teachers provide all students with learning targets that are specifically linked to the development of their written communication and numerical skills, so that, as well as achieving their qualifications, they develop further the skills they need to live independently
    • teachers provide all students with detailed written feedback (or equivalent depending on individual need) so that they know what to do to improve their writing skills and the quality of their work
    • managers provide feedback to teachers on the quality of their teaching that focuses explicitly on the progress, skills development and standard of work achieved by students in lessons and over time
    • managers make use of the findings from the observation of lessons when reviewing the quality and outcomes of teachers’ work, and identify how teachers can improve the quality of their teaching.

Runshaw College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers should review their approach to independent learning to ensure that teachers support all students to understand new information and concepts accurately. They should ensure that teachers identify and rectify quickly any misconceptions that students have developed through studying on their own.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that all apprentices receive sufficient teaching and training to help them to fully prepare for external assessments and to develop the advanced skills they need to achieve the high grades they are capable of.
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that all teachers check students’ work, including how well they understand what they have learned, in order to provide helpful feedback.
  • Leaders and managers should further develop processes for monitoring apprentices’ progress to ensure that apprentices receive any additional support that they need swiftly.

Ruskin College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and managers must swiftly develop a stronger oversight of safeguarding. They must ensure that all staff are appropriately trained to follow college policies and procedures regarding how to keep learners safe.
  • Leaders and managers must follow their own safer recruitment procedures to ensure that staff awaiting DBS checks do not work with potentially vulnerable learners without risk assessment.
  • Leaders should improve their assessment of learners’ starting points to ensure they are placed on English language courses which provide them with the best opportunities to succeed.
  • Leaders should improve the advice and guidance for learners on community learning courses, so they know how to progress onto higher levels of education.

Saint Brendan's Sixth Form College

2012 Full Inspection Report
What does the college need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the proportion of students who achieve high grades at A level through a range of teaching strategies. These should include: using more appropriate extension activities to meet the needs of able students; making more effective use of assessment to promote high achievement and sharing the insights of teachers in subjects where students do achieve a high proportion of grades A*to B.
  • Review the use of information and learning technology (ILT) in lessons. Use existing expertise to promote more innovative and imaginative use of new technology throughout the college, where appropriate.
  • Review the curriculum offered to students. Specifically, evaluate the number of subjects and examinations taken by most second-year students in order to ensure that this is not having a negative effect on students’ achievement of high grades at A level.
  • Improve data management. Ensure that the college complies fully with all the funding agency rules for the accurate return of student data so that all stakeholders are absolutely clear about the performance of the college.
  • Strengthen self-assessment and quality assurance procedures through ensuring that an agreed set of relevant data is used throughout the college to judge the effectiveness of provision. Use the analysis of these data to make clear judgements and formulate action plans, with precise and carefully monitored targets, designed to improve provision further.

Saint Charles Catholic Sixth Form College

2022 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Leaders and staff should continue their focus on improving learners’ attendance and punctuality across programmes.
  • Leaders should improve the quality of education in vocational programmes so that more learners remain on programme and achieve their qualifications.
  • Leaders should ensure that learners, particularly those on level 2 programmes, have work placement opportunities or other work-related learning in a timely manner.

Saint David's Catholic Sixth Form College

2019 Full Inspection Report
  1. Establish effective arrangements for obtaining information about new learners’ additional learning needs from key partners
  2. Ensure that all relevant learners have appropriate progression pathways to help them improve on their prior GCSE grades in English and mathematics
  3. Help all learners to develop their understanding of the Welsh language and the culture of Wales
  4. Make sure that learner punctuality issues are monitored and addressed effectively

Saint Francis Xavier Sixth Form College

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to increase the proportion of students at level 3 who achieve or exceed the grades expected of them relative to their prior attainment by:
    • raising further the skills of all teachers to enable them to plan and teach lessons that consistently and fully meet the needs of individual students
    • making sure that all teachers provide learning at a level of challenge to help the most able students to make rapid progress.
  • Leaders should improve the overall achievement rates of students on A-level courses, by ensuring that the number of students who remain on their course and take their examinations in this academic year remains high.

Saint Helens College

2020 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Governors should establish a stable leadership team that creates an aspirational culture and ambitious curriculum where students and apprentices thrive and achieve.
  • Design programmes for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities well so that they are prepared effectively for adulthood.
  • Ensure that teachers plan a curriculum that challenges students to achieve high grades in their qualifications.
  • Ensure that the curriculum for apprentices, particularly those on engineering and construction frameworks, develops their knowledge, skills and behaviours quickly.
  • Improve careers information, advice and guidance so that these are clear, accurate and meaningful so that students and apprentices understand the range of options available to them to meet their aspirations.
  • Ensure that students attend their courses regularly.

Saint John Rigby Sixth Form College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve high grades in the few A-level subjects where students do not always achieve the high grades expected of them.
  • Ensure that the most able students are challenged through insightful questioning to explain their reasoning and thereby deepen their thinking skills.

Saint Vincent Sixth Form College

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Managers should make sure that students’ attendance improves in all courses and in tutorials. Teachers should make sure that students understand the importance of attending all lessons regularly and punctually.
  • Teachers should set aspirational targets for students earlier in their programmes of study so that all students are clear about what they need to improve and have the time to make such improvements.
  • Leaders and managers should implement their well-considered strategies to improve the proportion of students achieving their qualifications and closely monitor the impact of their actions.

Salford City College

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does Salford City College need to do to improve further?
  • Improve success rates on AS-level and Skills for Life courses. Ensure that success rates in all subject areas are consistently high. Improve the progress students make on the minority of advanced-level courses where value-added scores are low.
  • Improve support and progress review arrangements on employer-responsive provision by the better structuring of literacy and numeracy support, the inclusion of wider welfare issues and better target setting for learners.
  • Continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning through sharing good practice and moderating the observations of teaching and learning. Extend the observations of employer-responsive provision to include all aspects of learning.
  • Tackle the variability and underdevelopment of quality assurance arrangements in a few areas, including employer-responsive provision, so that they are consistent across the college.

Salisbury Sixth Form College

2017 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Provide effective professional development and support to managers and teachers to identify and implement improvements to raise the standard of teaching further, and enable all learners to achieve their full potential.
  • Provide more opportunities for learners to develop work-related skills through work experience and greater contact with local employers.

Sandwell Adult & Family Learning Service

2018 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Improve the minority of teaching and learning which are not yet good by:
    • ensuring that all teachers adapt their learning activities to meet the needs of learners; in particular those with learning difficulties and disabilities, those who speak English as an additional language, and the most able learners
    • identifying existing good practice, and sharing this knowledge, skill and understanding with teachers so that there is improved consistency, and more learners progress well.
  • Improve the management information systems, so that managers receive timely information about the attendance, retention and progress of current learners to enable them to take prompt action to identify and rectify underperformance by groups of learners.
  • Further improve the outcomes of learners on mathematics functional skills level 1 courses by continuing the current management strategy of recruiting, training and closely managing the performance of teaching staff in this area.
  • Broaden and extend learners’ understanding of the dangers of radicalisation and extremism by:
    • improving the confidence and knowledge of teachers so that they are able to discuss with learners the different aspects of radicalisation and extremism
    • ensuring that learners have more opportunities to express their understanding of the different forms of extremism as it affects their local community.

Sandwell College

2014 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Continue to raise the standards of classroom practice so that more students benefit from outstanding teaching and learning that challenges and stretches all of them.
  • Identify the reasons for the relatively weaker performance on long courses for students and apprentices aged 16 to 18 and take effective actions to help them improve further.
  • Implement actions to ensure that teachers’ written feedback on students’ marked work is more detailed and constructive, to help students understand how they can improve further.
  • Develop further links with external partners to support more students on study programmes to improve their employability skills through the provision of work placements or work experience.

Scarborough Sixth Form College

2019 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve?
  • Improve the quality of information that governors receive so that governors are able to hold leaders and managers fully to account for addressing weaknesses in the provision and improving the quality of education further.
  • Improve the recording of actions taken following safeguarding incidents to remove the risk that actions may not be fully implemented. Improve the recording of safeguarding training for staff to avoid the risk that some staff may not receive mandatory training.
  • Ensure that all learners who do not plan to go to university receive advice and guidance about all the opportunities available to them when they leave college.
  • Increase the proportion of learners in business, health and social care, and sport who produce high-quality work at the first attempt.

Report Recommendations