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Newham Learning & Skills

2016 Full Inspection Report
What does the provider need to do to improve further?
  • Leaders and managers should ensure that:
    • they enable the sharing of good practice within the service so that assessment more accurately identifies the personal learning goals of all learners
    • tutors set targets that are challenging, specific and measurable so that they can measure learners’ progress accurately
    • tutors provide learners with detailed feedback on their progress and what they need to do next.
  • Increase the flexibility and capacity of the data system so that managers can analyse the performance of the service more effectively, especially the progression and destinations of learners, and demonstrate the impact of the service.
  • Ensure that tutors are better prepared to meet the education and training needs of the more-able adult learners by providing them with work that helps them make the level of progress they are capable of.

2010 Full Inspection Report
What does the London Borough of Newham need to do to improve further?
  • Ensure all learners have specific, measurable and challenging individual learning targets in order to ensure that learners make consistently good progress.
  • Improve the quality of teaching and learning further by ensuring that observers focus on learning and identify areas for development clearly. Ensure that the tutors have adequate support and training to improve their practice and monitor their progress.
  • Improve the levels of staff qualifications and experience of all staff through an ongoing programme of staff development that meets the needs of the service through coaching, sharing good practice and mentoring programmes.
  • Review current roles and accountabilities of all staff, including managers, in the overall delivery and development of the service. Clarify and communicate the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of area-based managers, together with managers of curriculum development and tutor coaches, to all staff so that they are aware of their professional accountabilities, the support available and line management arrangements.
  • Formalise the current information, advice and guidance arrangements by linking with other providers to ensure more integrated and effective guidance. Ensure that the learners make informed choices after receiving full information about career or progression pathways as well as employment opportunities.
  • Prioritise the safeguarding arrangements by conducting a thorough analysis of the young people and vulnerable adults within NALS. Assess the relevant safeguarding requirements of all centres and ensure tutors reinforce relevant aspects of safeguarding and health and safety in all sessions.
  • Fully establish and communicate a robust quality improvement cycle that all tutors and managers fully understand and follow to improve the provision on a continuous basis. Enable tutors and managers to share good practice to benchmark their service against similar services.

2005 Full Inspection Report
Key Challenges for Newham LEA
  • improve the planning of teaching and learning to meet individual learners’ needs
  • extend the provision of literacy and numeracy and language support to all areas of learning
  • further develop the sharing of good practice
  • further develop the capacity of tutors to use themes of equality and diversity in their teaching

Report Recommendations